Start-Up Expert Joins Bates Center
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Brie Bridegum JD ’12 is the inaugural expert in residence at the Bates Center for Entrepreneurship and Leadership at Lewis & Clark.
An attorney at Portland-based Stoel Rives, Bridegum is an active member of the firm’s start-up and emerging companies practice. At Lewis & Clark, she hosts office hours twice a month in the Bates Center, where she meets individually with students as well as speaks on topics such as the legal issues facing start-ups and the transition from student to professional.
Bridegum is an attorney mentor with Portland Incubator Experiment and InventOR. Actively engaged with Portland’s start-up community, she brings legal expertise combined with knowledge regarding trends, industries, and networking. She has worked extensively on site with two of Portland’s largest software companies, Viewpoint and Puppet, as well as with global semiconductor powerhouse Micron Technologies.
Bridegum graduated magna cum laude from Lewis &Clark Law School and earned her undergraduate degree from the University of Oregon, where she triple majored in classics, English, and religious studies.
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