main content Kelly Wainwright Inducted Into SIGUCCS Hall of Fame

This summer, Senior Director of Client Engagement Kelly Wainwright was inducted into the Special Interest Group on University and College Computing Services (SIGUCCS) hall of fame. She will receive the award during the annual SIGUCCS conference on October 3.
September 15, 2017

This summer, Senior Director of Client Engagement Kelly Wainwright was inducted into the Special Interest Group on University and College Computing Services (SIGUCCS) hall of fame. She will receive the award during the annual SIGUCCS conference on October 3.

SIGUCCS is a community of IT professionals who help higher education institutions leverage current technology to foster discovery and learning. Wainwright attended her first SIGUCCS conference in 1993. Since then, she’s attended more than 20 SIGUCCS conferences. 

“SIGUCCS has provided me many opportunities for professional development as well as connecting me with colleagues from all over the globe,” Wainwright said. “This is an organization that has networking with colleagues as a core mission. I use my SIGUCCS colleagues as my own personal think tank—learning from their experiences and knowledge to help me develop personally and move my organization forward.”

Her most prominent role with the organization was as the Chair of the Board (2011-2014). She’s also served on the board as the Vice-Chair/Conference Liaison and Past Chair. Other roles in the organization include Co-chairing two conferences, Program Chairing for a conference, Conference Volunteer coordinator, Conference Publication Chair and she’s written 12 papers which are published in ACM’s Digital Library (to which Lewis & Clark’s Watzek library subscribes).

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