main content Class Notes, Spring 2016

This issue of Class Notes includes submissions through February 15, 2016.

This issue of Class Notes includes submissions through February 15, 2016.


Don Driscoll BA notes that it’s been some “three score and nine years” since his college days first began and “a lot of water has gone under the bridge, or over the dam, if you prefer that phrase.” In 1946, the history department consisted of one professor, namely Dr. Philip Overmeyer, and a few other professors who combined history with other subjects. Today, there are more than 10 faculty members. “My, how much the department has been transformed,” Driscoll writes, “and I’m sure that it has all been for the better.” He modestly adds that he can “offer little in the way of accomplishments or achievements other than the gratitude of having been married for the past 63-plus years to a wonderful spouse, Eva Driscoll, a fellow 1950 Lewis & Clark graduate.”


  • Arts & Sciences Reunion June 23−26, 2016


Jim Misko BS and his wife, Patti Misko CAS ’57, split their time between their home in Anchorage, Alaska, and their winter residence in La Quinta, California. They recently visited Stan Harris BS ’56 in Montclair, California, where they enjoyed lunch, wine, and good conversation. They have also met up with Don “Tex” Stevenson BS ’54 and his wife, Martie, and former U.S. Ambassador Chuck “Butch” Swindells BS ’66 and his wife, Caroline, in La Quinta. Misko has written four novels, including his latest, As All My Fathers Were (see Bookshelf). In 2015, the novel earned three top awards: the Benjamin Franklin Gold Award from the Independent Book Publishers Association, the Nebraska Book of the Year for fiction, and the Feathered Quill for adult fiction. He is a proud member of the Albany Society.


  • Arts & Sciences Reunion June 23−26, 2016


  • Arts & Sciences Reunion June 23−26, 2016


Paul Willison BA, who has been a member of the Black Mountain–Swannanoa Kiwanis Club since 1998, was named the 2015 Kiwanian of the Year.


James Paul Brown BS, MAT ’77 was quoted by the Hollywood Star News in a piece on the history of Northeast Portland’s Alameda neighborhood, which he calls home.

Eldon Wolfe B.M. is currently retired and living in Nebraska but has not given up his music. He currently directs the Thayer County Sacred Chorale, which he started three years ago. He’s also director of music for the Grace Lutheran Church in Hebron. His wife, Joy, is his accompanist for the chorale as well as one of four organists for the church. He sends greetings to all his former choir mates under Dr. L. Stanley Glarum.


  • Arts & Sciences Reunion June 23−26, 2016
  • Class Correspondent: C. Allen Neighorn BA

Rich Emery BA, after teaching accounting at Linfield College for 30 years, bid his students goodbye for the last time on January 29, 2016. Michael Kohlhoff BS, after serving as the Wilsonville, Oregon, city attorney for 35 years, has announced his retirement.


John McClelland BA served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Cusco, Peru, from 1967 to 1968, and then as an English teacher in Piura, Peru, from 1968 to 1970. He married Paula “Pauly” Valdivieso in 1969 while in Peru, and they’ve been together ever since. In September 1999, McClelland retired after 13 years as a feature writer for the Daily News of Longview, Washington. He has two children: daughter Mara McClelland BA ’95, an interior designer in New York City, and son Ian McClelland, who is an emergency medical technician with Legacy Salmon Creek Medical Center in Vancouver, Washington. He also has two grandchildren. McClelland writes, “I’d like to hear from any who remember me, for good or bad.”

David Shilling BA and spouse Marvina Shilling BA are enjoying retirement. They live in Laguna Beach, California, from November to April every year, and then in Paris from May through October. David still runs every other day.


Roger Dahl BA was spotlighted in an interview on the American Historical Association’s blog. Dahl currently resides in Des Plaines, Illinois.


  • Class Correspondent: Michael Homan

Rosalind Hamar BA, MAT ’74, has retired after 46 years in education, including 16 years as head of school at Marin Horizon School in Mill Valley, California, and most recently, four years as head of school at Valley Montessori School in Livermore, California.


Shelby Day Speas BA writes that her nonprofit, Alliance for Good Works, is doing well and that it is making a real difference in the lives of children in Tijuana and Ensenada, Mexico. Speas is also on the board of Feeding America San Diego.


  • Arts & Sciences Reunion June 23−26, 2016

Fred Viehe BA, a professor of history at Youngstown State University in Ohio, was interviewed on the Travel Channel’s The Dead Files for a piece about the infamous racketeer “Cadillac Charlie” Cavallaro, whose murder caused a great stir when it occurred in 1963.


Tod Corrin BS was reelected as a trustee to the Downey (California) Unified School District Board of Education.

Charlotte Cushman BS has authored Montessori: Why It Matters for Your Child’s Success and Happiness (see Bookshelf). The book has been well received by the Montessori community. Cushman and her husband own and operate a Montessori school in Anoka, Minnesota, which serves toddlers through middle schoolers.


Maria Hein BA and spouse Kermit McCarthy BA ’71 are now both enjoying retirement. In October 2015, they traveled to Denmark and visited with Maria’s homestay sister. They are now spending most of their time building a small cabin in the woods on family property in Oregon’s Hood River Valley.


  • Arts & Sciences Reunion June 23−26, 2016
  • Class Correspondent: Susan Bennett Olson

Linda Austin BA was interviewed by Oregon ArtsWatch on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Performance Works NorthWest, her “community space and home.” Austin is a dancer, choreographer, and performance artist in Portland.

Mike Kasperzak BA, after serving almost 16 years on the Mountain View (California) City Council, is running for the California State Assembly representing the 24th District, which is in the heart of Silicon Valley.

Douglas Neville BS currently makes his home at Providence ElderPlace in Portland. Neville says he’s out of politics, with no regrets, but his interest in the Portland area and issues of homelessness and gentrification persists. He has found an outlet in the Oregon Masonic community, specifically as a member of Research Lodge #198, where he is presenting projects relating to Oregon Masonic history.


Philip Berkowitz JD was named vice chair of the Discrimination and Equality Law Committee of the International Bar Association through 2017. Berkowitz, a shareholder in Littler’s New York office and U.S. cochair of the firm’s international employment law practice group, will support and recommend initiatives to promote awareness of discrimination and equal opportunity issues in this role. He also serves as vice chair of the American Bar Association’s international employment law committee and previously chaired the New York State Bar Association’s International Law Practice Section.

Ronald Marks BS has been selected to join the board of directors of George Washington University’s Center for Cyber and Homeland Security.


  • Class Correspondent: Maggie Englund


Hans Holznagel BA was named development and marketing manager for Cogswell Hall, a provider of permanent housing, independent living, and social services for disabled low-income individuals.

Mark Young BS, after having served in a variety of capacities at such institutions as U.S. Bank, Merrill Lynch, and Arthur Andersen, has been appointed managing director at CKS Advisors, a business consulting and investment firm in Scottsdale, Arizona.


  • Arts & Sciences Reunion June 23−26, 2016
  • Class Correspondents: Cindy Thompson and Lisa Grill Dodson

Mohammed Ahmed Al Bowardi BA has joined the new 12th cabinet of the United Arab Emirates. He is minister of state for defense affairs; undersecretary of the Ministry of Defense, UAE; and chairman of the Abu Dhabi Technology Development Committee and the Committee for Developing and Implementing the Water and Agriculture Strategy for Abu Dhabi. He is also vice chairman of Dolphin Energy.


  • Class Correspondent: Jamie Hackel Hyams

Julia Swehla O’Herin BA, having taught children and adults at all levels, now joyfully directs her Lewis & Clark –granted knowledge and abilities toward the education of her first grandchild (as visits permit).


  • Class Correspondent: Mark Peterson

Peter Cook BA is the new executive director of the New York State Council of Churches. Cook is ordained in the United Church of Christ and has been involved in several ecumenical and interfaith organizations over the course of his ministry. He has provided leadership in community organizations that have had an impact on homelessness and is a well-regarded speaker, preacher, and teacher. Cook brings a deep commitment to the church’s work of social justice.

Molly Marcum JD was named in the 2015 and 2016 issues of Best Lawyers magazine for her work in health law. Marcum serves on the executive committee of the Oregon State Bar Health Law Section and the board of directors of the Oregon Association of Defense Counsel, and is a member of the Lewis & Clark Law Alumni Board. She is a shareholder with Keating Jones Hughes.

Paul Roth BA has joined the board of directors of the Eugene Oregon Symphony, which is celebrating its 50th season this year. He invites everyone in the Lewis & Clark community to enjoy a nice dinner at his restaurant, Roaring Rapids Pizza Company, when in the Eugene area.


  • Class Correspondent: Susan Corlett

Sandijean Fuson JD was awarded the 2014 Oregon New Lawyers Division Pro Bono Challenge Award for the Highest Level of Pro Bono Service in the Solo Practitioner Category. The award was presented by Oregon Supreme Court Justice Richard C. Baldwin, who thanked Fuson for her service to rural Oregon and Malheur County. Fuson Law Offices are located in Vale and Portland, Oregon, and Boise, Idaho.

Kathryn Smith Root JD received the Department of Homeland Security U.S. Coast Guard Public Service Commendation on October 15, 2015, during the American Bar Association’s Family Law Section Fall Conference, held in Portland. The award recognizes Root’s contributions to the U.S. Coast Guard’s 13th District’s Legal Assistance Program from 2001 to 2015.


  • Class Correspondent: Sarah Reynolds Marin

Pamela Barrow JD was promoted to vice president of energy, environmental, and sustainability for the Northwest Food Processors Association (NWFPA), a trade group representing food processors in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. Barrow is responsible for policy and advocacy and for managing NWFPA’s innovative and nationally recognized industrial energy efficiency and sustainability programs.

Winfield Ong JD has been appointed to a seat on the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana. Ong had been the criminal prosecution chief for the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the district since 2004. Prior to that, he served as a deputy U.S. attorney and then as a federal prosecutor.

Chris Pausz BS recently celebrated his 30th year at KGW News, where he has been directing Portland-area news broadcasts. He’s come a long way from working in the mail room while still a student at Lewis & Clark.


  • Arts & Sciences Reunion June 23−26, 2016
  • Class Correspondents: Sally Dadmon Bixby and David Lawrence

Laura Cailloux BA was named vice president of Skagit Valley College’s Whidbey Island Campus in Oak Harbor, Washington, after a nationwide search. The college’s president praised her “wealth of experience” and her “deep commitment to the Skagit Valley College mission, with a wonderful and inclusive style.”


Thomas Lyden BA is featured on Fox9 TV’s website for his contributions to the station’s Investigators team, based in the Twin Cities. According to the article, “his reports have led to new laws, a felon’s conviction, a politician’s resignation, and a governor’s open hostility.”


John Aney BA completed his master’s degree in divinity at Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, California, in May 2015. He was ordained into the United Church of Christ the following November. He currently serves as associate director of institutional advancement at Pacific School of Religion. John’s wife, Mary Dakin BA, is a program manager at Bosch Research & Technology Center in Palo Alto, California. They live in Sunnyvale, California, with their two children.

Jennifer Johnson Nolfi BA is the new head of Portland State University’s Athletic and Outdoor Industry Program.


  • Class Correspondent: Andrea Ball


  • Class Correspondent: Sean Hanley

Leslie Bottomly JD, a partner at Ater Wynne, is a new judge on the Multnomah County Circuit Court. Prior to Ater Wynne, Bottomly worked as a lawyer at the Oregon Department of Justice. She specializes in resolving business disputes related to employment and health care law.


  • Arts & Sciences Reunion June 23−26, 2016
  • Class Correspondent: Laura Mundt

Ted Booth BA, senior director of Honeywell’s User Experience worldwide initiative, will speak at Enterprise UX in San Antonio, Texas, in June 2016. He is serving as the theme leader for “How to Succeed When Everyone Is Your User.”

Cheryl Longfellow Morgen BS and her spouse, Mike, are still enjoying living in Bend, Oregon. Cheryl is looking forward to spending time on the L&C campus in June and showing her three daughters where she went to college.

Paul Weissman BA was hired by Hunt Mortgage Group as its new senior managing director for the Affordable Housing Originations initiative.


Linden “Linn” Evans JD was named president and chief operating officer of Black Hills Corporation. Evans’ new role encompasses all of the company’s business segments, including the early 2016 addition of the oil and gas exploration and production subsidiary and the utility properties of SourceGas.

Steven Leskin JD now manages the Port of Siuslaw in Florence, Oregon. Leskin had spent 23 years as an attorney and municipal judge in Oregon before accepting the position.

Sarah Sameh BA is the new chief executive of Sunday Afternoons, a hat company based in Ashland, Oregon. She is assisting the family-owned business as it undergoes a transition between generations of leadership. Sameh was previously president and chief operating officer of Massif Mountain Gear.

Jason Stanford BA was named communications director for Steve Adler, mayor of Austin, Texas.


  • Class Correspondents: Erik Thorin and Marcye Mokier

Sharon Maes Collier BA is a partner in the law firm of Archer Norris law firm in Walnut Creek, California. She was recently recognized as a Board Certified Civil Trial Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy and is a leader of the firm’s On Call Trial Counsel team, which specializes in taking tough cases to trial.


  • Class Correspondent: Carly Henderson

Adam Campbell BS, who oversees his family’s business, Elk Cove Vineyards, was featured in the NW Wines community blog of the Everett, Washington, Herald. He took over the business from his parents in the mid-1990s. Today, Campbell manages more than 300 acres of vineyards, and he and his team produce around 15 different wines.

Henry Darwin JD has been named chief of operations for the State of Arizona. Darwin has served Arizona for 18 years, most recently as the director of the state’s Department of Environmental Quality.

Amy Parks JD was appointed acting insurance commissioner of Nevada. Parks has 11 years’ experience with the Nevada Division of Insurance, and this is her second term as acting commissioner. She has served as chief insurance counsel and hearing officer for the division since 2009, and insurance counsel and hearing officer since 2004.


  • Arts & Sciences Reunion June 23−26, 2016
  • Class Correspondent: Jo Becker


Jake Chatters BA, the current court executive officer for the Superior Court of Placer County, California, was appointed an advisory member to the Judicial Council of California for a three-year term. The Judicial Council is the policymaking body of the California courts. He lives in Sacramento with his wife, Tracy Chatters BA, and their 12-year-old son.


Bonnie Tompkins Crawford BA and her husband, Preston Crawford BA ’97, relocated to Sydney, Australia, in January 2016. Bonnie will be leading the Australia/New Zealand operations for Viewpoint Construction Software. They are both very excited about living abroad and exploring the Asia/Pacific region.

Sara Hayes BA, senior manager and researcher for air and climate policy at the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, spoke in December 2015 at the Energy-Efficiency Policy Exchange, hosted by the Center for Energy and Environment.

Justin Phillips BA, a professor of political science at Columbia University, was interviewed by the Columbia Political Review about the Republican Party’s progress at the state level in recent months. After receiving his PhD in political science from the University of California at San Diego, Phillips has written prolifically. He has been published in the American Journal of Political Science, the Journal of Politics, and other leading journals.

Jenny West BA has been appointed director of business development at Campbell Global, a leader in sustainable timberland and natural resource investments.


  • Class Correspondents: Nicole Miranda and Mike Skrzynski

Jessica Roberts BA was named 2015 Professional of the Year (Private Sector) by the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals. She is currently principal of Alta’s Education and Encouragement Programs practice. Her programs are designed to change attitudes and behaviors toward the goals of smart, healthy transportation choices.


  • Class Correspondent: Sierra Hutchinson


  • Arts & Sciences Reunion June 23−26, 2016
  • Class Correspondent: Katie Clarkson

Jules Bailey BA, a Multnomah County commissioner, is running for mayor of Portland.


Nicholas Sanders BA has joined the faculty at Cornell University as assistant professor of policy analysis and management. Rusty Zimmerman cas has been hard at work on the Free Portrait Project, which consists of 200 oil-painted portraits and interviews with people from all walks of life in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. The portraits are displayed in local galleries as they are completed and will be offered for free to the subjects after being shown. The project, which is designed to capture the portrait of a place through its people, is supported by the Brooklyn Borough Hall, the City Council, and the State Senate and Assembly. It is targeting the Brooklyn Museum for its final exhibition.


Grant Aaker BA and spouse Jane Myung have joined the Clarus Eye Centre in Lacey, Washington.

Ben Corey-Moran BA is director of coffee supply at Fair Trade USA and is also a member of the Specialty Coffee Association of America’s Sustainability Council. He recently penned a piece for the association on the issues with fair trade in the coffee industry and the problems facing laborers who produce some of the world’s best coffee.

Bronson James JD has been named a Multnomah County Circuit Court judge. James is a private practice lawyer and has represented clients accused of crimes ranging from minor misdemeanors to murder.

Jonas Lerman BA recently returned to San Francisco after several years on the East Coast. He works as a federal prosecutor in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of California.


  • Class Correspondent: Diana Wiener Rosengard

Andrew Bowman LLM was named president of the Land Trust Alliance, a national land conservation organization that represents more than 1,100 member land trusts. Bowman previously served as the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation’s program director for the environment. During his 10 years at the foundation, he developed and obtained approval for more than $100 million in grants.

Shannon Dery MAT has been instrumental in rebuilding the theatre program at Beaverton (Oregon) High School. The school is celebrating its 100th anniversary with a performance of Grease on the same stage where it was last performed 25 years ago.


Kimberlee Stafford JD received the 2015 Oregon State Bar President’s Sustainability Award. A partner at Tonkon Torp, Stafford has helped move the firm steadily toward adopting comprehensive sustainable office practices and has promoted sustainability education and sustainable law office practices to Portland’s professional and business organizations. She is a member of the Multnomah County Advisory Committee on Sustainability and Innovation, has chaired the Office Practices Committee of Oregon Lawyers for a Sustainable Future, and is a former executive committee member of the Oregon State Bar Environmental and Natural Resources Section.

Brett VandenHeuvel JD received the Oregon State Bar Environmental and Natural Resources Section Leadership and Service Award on December 10, 2015. VandenHeuvel is the executive director of Columbia Riverkeeper, where he leads the organization’s legal and policy work to protect clean water. Previously, he started a public interest law practice, researched climate change during expeditions to Antarctica and New Zealand, and taught science to kids at OMSI field stations throughout Oregon.


  • Arts & Sciences Reunion June 23−26, 2016


  • Class Correspondent: Aron Phillips

Joseph Alsberge BA is a member of Village Health Works, a Seattle-based nonprofit that provides quality health care in rural Burundi, East Africa. He is part of a network of advisors to the largely Burundian staff. Alsberge has helped start a program addressing HIV and malnutrition in children; assisted in the coordination of local community health workers; and even helped to build a clinic pharmacy, making trips into neighboring Rwanda for materials.


  • Class Correspondent: Maura Walsh

Amber Case BA hosted her Web 1.0 Conference at Lewis & Clark in February 2016. The conference was billed as a celebration of “the creative, original, static websites, both old and new, that stand the test of time.” Case is a member of Lewis & Clark’s Board of Trustees.

Melissa Reich BA has been serving as stewardship director for the North Coast Land Conservancy since 2013. She has spent more than five years with the Nature Conservancy working to improve butterfly habitat on the Oregon coast. The organization’s latest project has been growing and nurturing thousands of violets to improve the habitat for a dwindling species of butterfly, the Oregon silverspot, which is unable to live off of any other type of flower. Over 10,000 violets were planted around Clatsop Plains in November 2015.


  • Class Correspondent: Kelsey Harrity

Kelley Amburgey-Richardson JD was appointed to a three-year term on the Washington State Supreme Court Gender and Justice Commission, the mission of which is to provide a leadership role in eliminating gender discrimination and bias in the state’s legal system. Amburgey-Richardson, who is celebrating her fourth year with the Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs, works on justice issues and the confidentiality and privacy rights of sexual assault survivors. As program coordinator, she primarily focuses on the issue of sexual violence in detention settings.

Naomi Keiper BA has joined the Bothell Pet Hospital in Washington as a veterinarian. She writes: “I currently live in Kirkland with my boyfriend, Michael, our feisty pug, our rambunctious golden retriever, and a leopard gecko. I enjoy camping, skiing, reading, the NFL, and jewelry making during my free time.”


  • Class Correspondent: Stephanie Locke


  • Arts & Sciences Reunion June 23−26, 2016

Denise Banh BA is currently working in external relations at Portland State University while pursuing an M.S. in computer science. She is excited to see everyone at the class reunion in June.

Eli Fabens BA works as a software developer in downtown Portland. Last summer, he married the love of his life, Dith Pamp BA (see “Marriages and Unions”). They can’t wait to see everyone during their reunion!

Molly Hetz BA recently moved back to Portland from Mendoza, Argentina, where she was working in the wine industry. She lives in town with her wife and is working at Simple bank. She can’t wait to reconnect with classmates in June.

Tessa Marzula BA started an M.S. in genetic counseling at the University of Michigan in fall 2015. She will be in Portland for the second half of the summer for a clinical rotation and is looking forward to connecting with former classmates at Alumni Weekend.

Liz Sinclair BA is currently working for the study abroad provider APA Paris and is helping to plan the class of 2011 reunion.

Samantha Stein BA started Hacktivision, which brings together rising tech talent to use technical solutions to align business with social impact. She can’t wait to see everyone at the reunion in June.

Matt Yelin BA works as a software developer/data analyst at an environmental consulting firm in downtown Portland. He continues to be an active swimmer and can’t wait to see as many classmates as possible at the reunion.


  • Class Correspondent: Josh Cohn

Ethan Allred BA was a presenter at Lewis & Clark’s 35th annual Gender Studies Symposium in March 2016. His talk was titled “Surrealist Humor and the Obligation of Reproduction in Francis Poulenc’s Les mamelles de Tirésias.” Allred is program coordinator at Chamber Music Northwest.


Anthony Ruiz BA is communications manager for Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance, where he assists in the creation, implementation, and maintenance of marketing campaigns.

David Schor JD is running for mayor of Portland in 2016. He is currently an assistant attorney general at the Oregon Department of Justice.

Julia Yeckes BA has completed her law degree with a certificate in Environmental and Natural Resources from the University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law. She graduated one semester early and is now back in Colorado, where she looks forward to practicing.


Sage Coy BA was mentioned in Adweek due to her appearance in an iconic 1993 ad for Healthtex baby clothes. Her “bald and toothless” (and frankly adorable) face was used in the award-winning ad. Today, Coy tours with the Portland Cello Project.


Ciara Dolan BA has been named music editor of the Portland Mercury. Excited by the opportunity, she looks forward to delving further into the thriving Portland music scene with a little help from her kitty muse, Dude.

Ryan Strombom BA has signed a contract with the Windy City ThunderBolts, a professional minor league baseball team located in Crestwood, Illinois. He will be joining the team as a pitcher.

Marriages and Unions

Christopher Keady BA ’10 and Daniel Jones, May 24, 2015, in a cabin on the Oregon coast. Maxfield Fulton BA ’09 and Nicolai Otte BA ’09 attended. Virginia Gregory BA ’10, Romalia Stickney-Shibley BA ’83, and Jeremy Shibley BA ’82 were guests at the reception.

Dith Pamp BA ’11 and Eli Fabens BA ’11 on June 13, 2015, in Topsfield, Massachusetts. In attendance were Sam Balter BA ’10, Rachel Tramel Bock BA ’10, Sam Bock BA ’11, Philana Brown BA ’10, Mike Cathcart BA ’10, Miles Dale BA ’11, Isabella Fabens BA ’15, Kat Fiedler BA ’11, Rachel Klabunde BA ’11, Kate Lancaster BA ’11, Kat Morrison BA ’11, Liz Sinclaire BA ’11, and Claire Sparks BA ’11.

Births and Adoptions

To Jennifer Keehn Snoozy BA ’98, MAT ’99 and her husband, Shawn Snoozy, son Thomas Joseph, September 30, 2015. Thomas joins siblings Nathan, 22; Philip, 20; Hannah, 19; Edward, 6; and John Paul, 4.

To Lindsay Kohn Suttin BA ’03 and her husband, Jonathan Suttin, their second son, Matthew Benjamin, January 14, 2015.

To Mary McKay BA ’09 and her husband, Christopher McKay, son Patrick Montgomery, August 15, 2015.

To Rachael Federico JD ’13 and her husband, Mathew Blythe JD ’13, daughter Henia Justine Blythe, January 26, 2016, in Silverton, Oregon.