main content Class Notes, Fall 2014

This edition of Class Notes includes law submissions received through July 1, 2014, and undergraduate and graduate submissions through June 10, 2014.


Jack Sias BS lives in Portland. He looks forward to receiving The Gatehouse, the Albany Society newsletter, and meeting with others in his class.


William Hickerson BA retired from teaching 32 years ago and lives in Arlington, Oregon. An Oregon Jazz Band member until 2007, he now busies himself with community activities, gardening, and occasional hunting and fishing adventures. He has five children, seven grandchildren, and two great grandchildren.

Loretta Kalmbach Lorenz BA resides in her Portland home near Wilson High School and continues to drive her car. She has fond memories of a 1956 European trip with the National Education Association.


Arts & Sciences Reunion

June 25−28, 2015


James Barton Jr. BA retired in 1985 after a career with IBM, then bought three Supercuts franchises in Connecticut. After 30 years as a San Franciscan, he now lives in Santa Rosa, California.


Bob Godel BS has poignant memories of the Gatehouse (now the Morgan S. Odell Alumni Gatehouse) on campus. He takes pride in his work with the late Jim King BS ’52 to spearhead (and make leadership gifts for) the building’s renovation a few years back. “Our dreams became reality,” says Godel. “Now a part of the entire Gatehouse belongs to me. And Jim.”

Clarence “Jack” Neff BS worked at Tektronix for 37 years. He and his wife, Neva Neff BA ’67, MAT ’75, an educator, live in Newberg, Oregon. They have four married sons, seven grandchildren, and one great-granddaughter.

Pamela Parish Porter BS lives down the hill from Lewis & Clark in the John’s Landing neighborhood. She reports that after years of sharing her backyard with inquisitive raccoons, she has learned how to deal with them in a neighborly manner.


Sally McBride BA organized her final Corvallis-OSU Symphony Children’s Concert in February 2014. The annual concert was for upper-elementary school students from all of Benton County. McBride, a retired music teacher who worked in Corvallis schools from 1970 to 1990, spearheaded the popular event for 21 years. “Every single one of these concerts has been a kick in the pants,” she says. “If there is one kid out there who becomes interested in music—as a student, performer, or donor—it was all worth it.”

Patricia Heilig Nordstrom BA and Paul Nordstrom BS celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in March. They live in Palm Springs, California, and come to Portland for the summer.

Gladys Winn Snedecor BS lives in Newport, Oregon. She participates in the First Presbyterian Church choir and activities at her clubhouse. After her husband, Elliot, died four years ago, the Newport Rotary made her a guest member in his honor.


Nancy Pond Suehs BS no longer plays piano for church services; however, she is taking a college class on the history of opera and also attends operas at a local theatre in New York.


Bruce Longballa BS and Kathleen Longballa enjoy the retired life in Blairsden, California, 50 miles from Reno and Lake Tahoe. They enjoy hearing of the goings-on at Lewis & Clark through The Gatehouse, the Albany Society newsletter. They extend a hello to all Pioneers old and young!

James Redman BS, JD ’63 was presented with the Justice Ralph M. Holman Lifetime Achievement Award by the Clackamas Country Bar at its December 12, 2013, annual dinner. Redman has served as president of the Clackamas County Bar Association and vice president of the Oregon State Bar. He is recognized not only for his 50 years of meritorious service but also for 100 years of family membership in the bar. He continues private practice in Milwaukie, Oregon, and is a long-serving circuit court judge pro tem.

Donald “Tex” Stevenson BS served as a pilot for 35 years. He flew for the Marine Reserves and also Western Airlines and Delta. He and Martie Stevenson, his wife of 57 years, live in La Quinta, California.

Pat Willner BA is a retired physical therapist assistant, still living in her Portland home. Her four daughters and eight grandchildren offer many travel opportunities. She recently returned from a grandson’s wedding in upstate New York, by way of London and Paris. She is on a senior dragon boat team and does downhill skiing, yoga, and several volunteer activities.



Arts & Sciences Reunion

June 25−28, 2015


Darryl Gordon BA and Elizabeth Zink Gordon BA ’58 celebrated 55 years of marriage in June. Darryl, who taught in Springfield, Oregon, for 30 years, has severe dementia. Elizabeth writes, “The Lord is our helper.”

Ray Hyde BS taught for 35 years in U.S. military schools in Europe before retiring and returning to Portland. A Pioneer Hall of Fame member in baseball and a top pitcher for the U.S. team in the 1954 Pan American games at Mexico City, Hyde played professionally before starting his teaching career. He and his wife, Jutta-Marie Hyde, have written a manuscript titled Amazing Munich Beers Gardens, and they are currently looking for a publisher.

James Misko BS and wife Patricia Marie Misko ’57 enjoy reconnecting with Lewis & Clark friends in California and Arizona in the winter and Alaska in the summer. Jim has finished his fourth novel, one of nine books he has written.

Ruth Gregerson Tyler BS married Joe Tyler in 1956. After graduating from Lewis & Clark, she worked as a registered nurse in Portland, Atlanta, and Philadelphia. The couple built a home and raised five children. Today, she enjoys spending time with her 10 grandchildren. Her favorite Lewis & Clark memories are living in Stewart Hall as a first-year student and being a charter member of Delta

Phi Gamma.


Jack Venables BS and his wife, Vicki Meyers Venables, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary in June. Jack was “the voice of Pioneer athletics” for more than 30 years.


Loren Michelsen BS lives in a continuing care retirement community in Turlock, California. He enjoys playing golf a few times a week.


James Kirk BA currently serves as president of the board of Hospice of the Chesapeake in Maryland and is cochairing its $15 million capital campaign. He has also served on the board of the Baltimore Washington Medical Center Foundation. This year, he celebrates 50 years of ordination as a minister of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A.

Carol Thompson O’Connor BS lives in Buckeye, Arizona, after retiring from Kaiser Permanente in Portland in 2004. She’s a part-time adjunct instructor at a nearby community college, where she teaches nursing students. Her life is busy with her daughter, two grandchildren, and other family members.

Donald Pinnock BS is enjoying retirement and golf after service in the army and 25 years of law practice in Ashland, Oregon. He lives in New Mexico and enjoys working on his “mediocre” golf game.


Dick Danskin BS retired in 1994 after 32 years as a guidance counselor and community service coordinator for schools in Salem, Oregon. He has volunteered with Meals on Wheels and the Salem Police Department. He is married and has three daughters, five grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.



Arts & Sciences Reunion

June 25−28, 2015


Class Correspondent: Roger Adams

Francine Ireton Crockett BA lives on 20 acres near Redding, California. The property has a year-round creek that’s great for fishing and swimming. It gets lots of use when her nine grandchildren visit.

Phil Hector B.S and his wife, Brenda, have spent the past 44 years in Hermiston, Oregon. They are active in Inland Northwest Musicians, a regional symphony and chorale that performs in eastern Oregon and Washington. For their 50th anniversary celebration in 2012, several good friends from Phil’s Lewis & Clark years visited as a surprise.

Monty Vincent BS and his wife, Julie, live in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and enjoy spending their winters in Mexico. With family and grandchildren scattered across the country, they are thinking of living in Mexico year-round. A retired corporate executive, Monty has recently been coaching football.


Kilburn Roby III BS and Shirley Rouse Roby BS ’64 celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in Kauai, Hawai‘i. Their daughter, Leslie Roby Ervin BA ’88, and her husband, Chris Ervin, joined them from Rancho Santa Margarita, California, as did their son, Kilburn Roby IV BA ’91, his wife, Diah, and their daughter, Cintya, from Bali, Indonesia. The senior Robys live in Santa Barbara, California.


Sue Ellen Markey Charlton BA retired in 2010 after 43 years as a professor of political science from Colorado State University. She recently finished two books, Women Navigating Globalization: Feminist Approaches to Development, with Jana Everett, and the fourth edition of Comparing Asian Politics: India, China, and Japan.

Robert Finch BS retired in 1997 after 23 years of working for the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs in central Oregon, where Finch has lived for 40 years. He worked for 20 years as the Warm Springs tribal credit manager and for three years as acting general manager of business development.

Jon Ford BS is retired and living in Gualala, California. He did his graduate work at Wayne State University Medical School before starting a career in clinical toxicology, which took him to South Africa for eight years. He is married and has two sons.


Class Correspondent: Margi Crain Brown

Joan Heiserman Harris BS stays active as a substitute teacher at the local high school in Tacoma, Washington, when she is not busy babysitting a grandchild, taking harp lessons, or judging figure-skating competitions. She serves as a deacon for Parkway Presbyterian Church.

Lynda Sullivan BA taught grade school in Coos Bay, Oregon, for 30 years. She then retired and moved with her husband, Dave (a teacher and an administrator), to Black Butte Ranch in central Oregon. Their married son lives in Coos Bay.


Arts & Sciences Reunion

June 25−28, 2015

Jeananne Norris Bartleson BS moved to Denver to be near family after 32 years on the beautiful Oregon coast. She loves reconnecting with Lewis & Clark friends at college get-togethers.

Carol Bergseng B.M. became president of the Assistance League of Greater Portland in May 2014. The Assistance League is celebrating 50 years of philanthropic service in the greater Portland community.

Jim Mitchelmore BS recently retired from coaching track for 47 years, the last 30 of them at Churchill High School in Eugene, Oregon, where he also taught social studies. He proudly notes that his daughter, Kathy Mitchelmore BA ’89, was an outstanding distance runner who made nationals for the Pioneers in cross country in 1988. His daughter’s coach, David Fix BS ’70, was the son of his coach, Eldon Fix.

Herbert Swett BA lives in Salem, Oregon, and has too much fun as a freelance journalist to make any retirement plans. He contributes regularly to weekly newspapers in Sheridan and Keizer as well as to other publications.


Class Correspondent: Michael Homan



Arts & Sciences Reunion

June 25−28, 2015


Catherine Sergeant B.M. ’70, M.M.E. ’75 was named Oregon District School Librarian of the Year by the Oregon Association of School Libraries in March 2014.


Class Correspondents: Beth Knudsen, Bob Oleson, and Ronald Gaither

Michael Fritz retired from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), with a final posting as mission director in Macedonia. He still works intermittently for USAID, primarily for the Office of Transition Initiatives, which focuses on political transitions and crises in various countries. “Since 2010, I have worked in Afghanistan, Turkey (on the crisis in Syria), Rwanda, Kenya, Ivory Coast, and Burma.” His wife, Susan, also works for USAID and has recently been posted to Kenya as the USAID mission director. The couple will live in Kenya with their 11-year-old twins. This summer, Michael and Barb Dale Smith BA ’71, MA ’82 organized a reunion of the Lewis & Clark 1969 Tunisia overseas study group in Portland.


Class Correspondent: Becky Dimond


Class Correspondent: Merilee MacLean



Arts & Sciences Reunion

June 25−28, 2015


Niels Marquardt BA left the U.S. Foreign Service after 33 years to become CEO of the American Chamber of Commerce in Australia (AmCham). His last Foreign Service assignment was as U.S. consul general in Sydney, Australia. Previously, he served as U.S. ambassador to Madagascar, the Union of the Comoros, Cameroon, and Equatorial Guinea. Other overseas postings included Paris, Bonn, Brazzaville, and Bangkok; several stints in Washington, D.C., in the State Department; and service as a Peace Corps volunteer in Rwanda. Based in Sydney, Marquardt oversees a network of AmCham offices and activities in Perth, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Brisbane. He and his wife, Judi, live at Coogee Beach in Sydney’s eastern suburbs. They raised four daughters during their shared Foreign Service experience, the first two of whom will marry later this year.


William Burt BS has published The Birthing Tree, the seventh book in his King of the Trees series of fantasy novels. His books are designed to appeal to those who enjoy the Chronicles of Narnia, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and similar classics.

John Keller BS is an eCommerce project manager overseeing the Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger websites.


Evelyn Dugan BA and Stuart Dugan BS led a 47-person study tour, “In the Steps of Paul,” to Turkey, Greece, and Italy. The tour group included Lewis & Clark alumni Jennifer Woody Dietz BA and Char Webb Glasgo BS

Suzanne Krahmer BA, MAT ’79 is semiretired, with careers in high school science and pharmaceutical sales behind her. She continues her community volunteer commitments. She and Don Krahmer have been married for 28 years. They have two children: Hillary, 25, and Zach, 23. As of this past summer, they were all living in the Portland area. “Love to share memories. Contact me!”

Jinny Shipman BA has been married for 33 years to Dick Kaiser. They live in downtown Portland, across from the Portland Art Museum. “I volunteer in several theatres, help patrol the South Park Blocks, and take French.” She also enjoys traveling; her most recent adventure was attending cooking school in Vietnam.


Ronald Marks BS is an adjunct professor for the United Arab Emirates’ National Defence College, where he lectures on cyber security and strategy.

Vivien Straus BA wrote and performed E-i-E-i-OY! In Bed With the Farmer’s Daughter in San Francisco during spring 2014. She received great reviews around the Bay Area.


Class Correspondent: Maggie Englund

Hadley Robbins BS is executive vice president and chief operating officer of Columbia Bank. He directs the majority of Columbia’s customer-facing business lines, including commercial banking, retail banking, and wealth management.



Arts & Sciences Reunion

June 25−28, 2015


Kevin Coyner BA, a Democrat, announced his candidacy for the General Assembly’s 132nd District seat in Fairfield, Connecticut.

Mark Geistfeld BA is a visiting professor at Harvard Law School during fall 2014. He is the Birnbaum Professor of Civil Litigation at New York University Law School, where he returns in spring 2015.

Julie Schott-Rawls BA is a community relations specialist with the Port of Vancouver [Washington].


Class Correspondents: Cindy Thompson and Lisa Grill Dodson

Roberto Alvarez BA was named Adult Referee of the Year by the Washington State Adult Soccer Association. Born and raised in Mexico City, Alvarez says soccer has been a part of his life since he could run. As a member of the Seattle Soccer Referee Association, he has assisted in the referee selection process for the State Cup and regionals team.

The Honorable Rich Melnick JD was sworn into the Washington State Court of Appeals Division 2 in March. Since 2010, Melnick had been a superior court judge in Vancouver, Washington. He began his career at the Clark County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, where he headed the county’s first appellate bureau. In 2004, he became a district court judge. He also served on the municipal court bench in Camas and Washougal and has taught at Clark College.


Class Correspondent: Jamie Hackel Hyams


Class Correspondent: Mark Peterson

Lori Lake BS won the 2013 Rainbow Award in the Lesbian Mystery/Thriller category for her book A Very Public Eye. Another one of her books, Jump the Gun, was named runner-up.

Matt Murphy BS would like to hear from “any and all of you who have any recollection of me during our four-year stay at Palatine Hill. I learned a great deal about myself during those years and made some lifelong friends in the process.” He regrets that he was unable to attend his 30-year reunion in 2013.


Class Correspondent: Susan Corlett

Mary Hull Caballero BS was elected Portland city auditor in May 2014. She previously worked at the regional government, Metro, as a principal management auditor, and as an auditor for the Oregon Department of Transportation.

Jim Kean BA was appointed president and chief operating officer for the National Pro Fitness League.



Arts & Sciences Reunion

June 25−28, 2015



Class Correspondents: Sally Dadmon Bixby and David Lawrence

Daena Goldsmith BS, professor of rhetoric and media studies at Lewis & Clark, was nominated by the University of Washington Department of Communication (where she pursued her MA and PhD) for its 2014 Hall of Fame. Her current research focuses on communication issues involving couples in which one person is coping with a chronic health condition such as heart disease, cancer, or HIV.


Jillian Detweiler BA, former TriMet real estate director, was chosen by Portland Mayor Charlie Hales to be a policy director.

Larry Juday JD was recognized as the 2013 Foster Volunteer of the Year by the Humane Society for Southwest Washington. Juday and his wife, Susan, provided intensive in-home care and treatment for more than 30 severely ill cats and kittens last year. Before retiring in 2005, he practiced law in Vancouver, Washington, where he chaired the Southwest Washington Lawyer Referral Service; served as a bar association trustee; was a member of the Superior Court Bench-Bar, Law Library, and Public Relations Committees; and provided pro bono services through the Clark County Volunteer Lawyer Program. Juday also chaired the 16-member Washington State Bar Association Character and Fitness Board.

Sharon McNeil BA displayed her oil painting exhibit, titled Return to Nisyros: Images of a Greek Island, at the Hellenic-American Cultural Center & Museum of Oregon and Southwest Washington. Her paintings were influenced by her five-month stay on the island.


Class Correspondent: Andrea Ball



Arts & Sciences Reunion

June 25−28, 2015


Class Correspondent: Zena

Zena BA, MAT ’95, a 2011 recipient of the Rex Rabold Outstanding Secondary Theatre Educator Award, was invited to join the Peace Corps for its 25th generation in Mongolia as a teacher trainer. Zena recently resigned from her theatre teaching position at Portland’s Parkrose High School. She spent fall 2013 volunteering at a school in Jamaica, and is now traveling the U.S. observing successful theatre programs in Title I high schools. In May 2014, Zena bid adieu to the U.S. for 27 months.


Class Correspondent: Laura Mundt


Thomas Hagerman BA, MAT ’94 became superintendent of schools for Scarsdale, New York, in March 2014. He received his doctorate from the University of Oregon. Prior to his appointment as superintendent of Scarsdale Schools, he was the superintendent for the Winnetka, Illinois, public schools.

Paula Hayes BS expects her Hue Noir product line, specially formulated for those with dark skin tones, to be available in select salons and boutiques in Portland and Seattle by the end of 2014. In her new role as a Lewis & Clark trustee, Hayes plans to work with students on issues of diversity and in the new entrepreneurship center.


Class Correspondents: Erik Thorin and Marcye Mokler

Margaret Allee JD is director of programs for Susan G. Komen Oregon and S.W. Washington, the region’s largest breast cancer charity. Allee has an M.S. in nursing and an M.S. in business management. Prior to joining Komen, she held leadership positions in direct patient care, management, and administration at Legacy Health System, Oregon Health & Science University, and Providence Health & Services.

Daniel Blaufus JD joined the Port of Portland as general counsel. From 2000 to 2010, Blaufus served as an attorney for Nike in various capacities, including as emerging markets counsel and Americas regional counsel. Most recently, he served as senior vice president and general counsel at Borden Dairy Company in Dallas, Texas.

Lori Carsillo BA, a San Francisco Bay–area jazz singer, has released a new CD, Sugar & Smoke, a collection of jazz standards and lesser-known gems. It is available through Amazon, iTunes, and CD Baby. Carsillo notes that she received her early musical training in Lewis & Clark’s opera program, led by Susan McBerry; the Jazz Big Band; and smaller jazz ensembles.


Halley Buckanoff BS has completed graduate-level coursework in animal population management and animal nutrition. She has worked as a field biologist doing trapping, banding, tracking, and radio-collaring of birds. Currently, Buckanoff is the lead veterinary technician at the Valerie H. Schindler Wildlife Rehabilitation Center at the North Carolina Zoo, where she is in charge of rehabilitation practices, center operations, and volunteers/interns. Buckanoff is also a guest writer for a joint research project between the zoo and Guilford College involving the post-release survival of commonly rehabilitated backyard and nonmigratory songbirds.

Michael “MG” Devereux BA is deputy director of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department after almost 20 years with the agency. He was formerly the project manager for the development of Cottonwood Canyon State Park.

Adam Johnston BS is a professor of physics at Weber State University in Ogden, Utah. Johnston produced and spoke at a TEDx event about innovations in education and promoting hands-on learning.

Valerie Schmidt BA was named by Pacific Business News as a 2014 finalist for the Business Woman of the Year in the for-profit sector. She is president of Schmidt, Shimokawa & Associates, a financial advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services in Honolulu.

Scott Shapiro JD was elected managing partner at Downey Brand. Shapiro is known for his expertise in flood protection improvement projects throughout California’s Central Valley.



Arts & Sciences Reunion

June 25−28, 2015


Carly Henderson BA, MA ’02 started her counseling practice in November 2013 in Portland.

The Honorable David Avraham Voluck JD received the Alaska Bar Association Board of Governor’s Judge Nora Guinn Award at the 2014 Bar Convention. The award recognizes extraordinary and sustained efforts to assist Alaska’s rural residents, especially its Native population, in overcoming language and cultural barriers to obtaining justice through the legal system. Voluck is the first tribal judge to receive the award. The Alaska Bar Association cited his 20 years serving the state’s Native people as tribal judge, Indian law professor, author, and special counsel. Voluck presently sits as trial judge for the Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska, Sitka Tribe of Alaska, and Aleut Community of St. Paul Island, and is an adjunct professor for Lewis & Clark Law School’s Indian Law Program.


Class Correspondent: Jo Becker

Kathleen Becker JD was elected representative for Colorado House District 13, which extends from the Wyoming border to Mount Evans and includes Jackson, Grand, Gilpin, and Clear Creek counties, as well as the western portions of the City of Boulder and Boulder County.


Class Correspondent: Anne Bunn

Anne Bunn BA and Sam Thompson enjoy life in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with two spirited children, an 8-year-old daughter and a 4-year-old son. Even with their full lives, they keep in touch with Lewis & Clark friends. See Rachel Pusey B.A ’97 for more details.

Jamie Diamond BS works in public relations; find out more at He is also the founder of

James Moore BA is completing a certification program to teach English/language arts in middle school and high school. He also writes poetry and plays and is the cofounder of Steel Cut Theatre. His debut collection of found poetry, titled I Am the Maker of all sweetened possum, was published by Silver Birch Press in March 2014. He makes his home in Winooski, Vermont.

Naomi Pomeroy BA won the 2014 James Beard Award for Best Chef in the Northwest. She opened her acclaimed restaurant, Beast, in 2007 and recently opened a cocktail bar, Expatriate, with husband Kyle Linden Webster.

Rachel Pusey BA started a new job with the boutique employment law firm Villarreal Hutner. She is “excited to be with a small, collaborative law firm that supports work-life balance.” She spent Memorial Day weekend in Austin, Texas, with Anne Bunn, Jess Fels, Nina Storm, Megan Williams, and Kaja Glickenhaus Taft BA ’98, M.E. ’02. The group missed regular attendees Rhoda Ashley, Nicole Andrus, and Mia Dentoni, who weren’t able to join them this year. “This will be the 15th year we have spent Memorial Day together!”

Nina Storm BA launched her company, Nina Storm Event Design & Production, in late 2013. She produces events for a range of nonprofit, corporate, and private clients, with an emphasis on the art of hospitality. She is also developing a menu of original cocktails. Storm lives in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Laurel Canyon. She attended the annual “Girls’ Weekend” trip mentioned above.


Sienna Horton-Shields BA, an abstract artist, instigated and directed the first public project by HowDoYouSayYaminAfrican, or Yam, a group of 38 musicians, poets, writers, and visual artists from around the world who are mostly black and mostly queer by their own definition. In March, they performed on an international stage at the 2014 Whitney Museum Biennial. Their performance included a digital film about how race haunts black identity, told in operatic form, with sculptural installations.

Molly McAllister BA has been happily working at Banfield Pet Hospital since 2012. She coordinates medical learning and continuing education for the 2,300 veterinarians the company employs. See Marriages and Unions.

Franz Prichard BA is now assistant professor at Princeton University in the East Asian studies department. He previously taught at the University of California at Los Angeles and Harvard University.


Class Correspondents: Nicole Miranda and Mike Skrzynski

Katy Davidson BA, the songwriter behind Key Losers as well as the keyboard/piano player for Gossip, and Marianna Ritchey BA, songwriter for Lloyd & Michael, wrote the song “Go Forth, Feminist Warriors.” It is written in the style of the 1980s benefit song for African famine relief, “We Are the World,” by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie, that featured multiple soloists. Davidson and Ritchey’s song was sent out to more than a dozen musicians and singers, including Psalm One, Carrie Brownstein, Tegan and Sara, Kate Nash, Tavi, Suzy X, and more. Each musician emailed his or her part back, after which the various parts were assembled into “Go Forth, Feminist Warriors.” It can be heard on YouTube.

Jill Long JD, a shareholder at Lane Powell, was selected for the 2014 Fellows Program of the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity, a national organization of the legal profession’s top general counsel and managing partners. The fellows program is a highly structured initiative designed to increase diversity at the leadership levels of U.S. law firms and corporate legal departments. Long focuses her practice on land use and real estate, obtaining land use entitlements for retailers, developers, and property owners.



Arts & Sciences Reunion

June 25−28, 2015


Class Correspondent: Sierra Hutchinson

Andrew Holder BA is a 2014 winner of the 33rd annual Architectural League Prize for Young Architects and Designers. This prize is a prestigious international award for early-career architects.


Class Correspondent: Katie Clarkson

Jules Bailey BA, a former member of the Oregon House of Representatives, was elected to the position of Multnomah County commissioner for District One. He notes, “An election is a little bit like crowd surfing: You take a leap off the stage and hope there are enough hands to catch you.”

Brian Evans BA was elected auditor for Metro, a tricounty regional government based in Portland. He filled the position formerly held by Mary Hull Caballero BS ’84. He was previously a principal management auditor for Metro, and before that, he was an economist with the state of Oregon.


Shana Harris BA graduated from the joint PhD program in medical anthropology at the University of California at Berkeley and the University of California at San Francisco in 2012. She is a postdoctoral fellow in the Behavioral Science Training in Drug Abuse Research Program at the National Development and Research Institutes in New York City.


Nuin-Tara Key BA and Thomas Miller have launched Our Place on Earth, a research, documentary, and outreach project. Its goal is to facilitate knowledge exchange between communities to support innovation, experimentation, and adaptation that could become the foundation of healthy and transformative communities in the face of climate change. Key is a research and policy consultant in climate change and urban development with a background in urban and regional planning and political science.

Christine Kirk BA is the founder and CEO of Social Muse Communications, which advises luxury travel, restaurant, tech, and lifestyle brands on social media marketing, traditional public relations campaigns, and online branding. She has amassed more than 37,000 (and growing) engaged followers on Twitter. She is a guest blogger and speaker on various social media, PR, and luxury lifestyle subjects. Kirk is also the founder of the popular live Twitter chat #luxchat, an online discussion about the intersection of luxury brands and social media. A Los Angeles correspondent for Forbes Travel Guide, she writes about luxury travel and fine dining.

Karen Ostrye JD was appointed to the Circuit Court for the Seventh Judicial District, which encompasses Gilliam, Hood River, Sherman, Wasco, and Wheeler counties. Ostrye’s community involvement has included serving as a mentor with Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Columbia Gorge and on various boards, including those of the Hood River County School District, Court Appointed Special Advocates, and Mid-Columbia County Bar Association. Her volunteer work earned her recognition as Mentor of the Year in 2012 from Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Columbia Gorge.

Ahlum Scarola MAT is the principal at Acequia Madre Elementary school in Santa Fe, New Mexico.


Class Correspondent: Diana Wiener Rosengard

Casia Freitas Ravi BA worked for five years in education research and consulting and is now pursuing a master’s degree in counseling psychology at Santa Clara University. Freitas plans to become a marriage and family therapist. She credits the Behavioral Health and Social Psychology Lab at Lewis & Clark and many of the college’s professors with developing her passion for psychology.



Arts & Sciences Reunion

June 25−28, 2015


Mark Creelman BA received his PhD in chemistry from the University of California at Berkeley in December 2013.


Anna Brones BA is working on a documentary, Afghan Cycles, about the Afghan Women’s National Cycling team. She writes, “In a country where the idea of a woman on a bicycle is considered offensive, these women are risking a lot to do what they love.” Working on the project, Brones has found linkages to America’s women’s suffrage movement: “As Susan B. Anthony once said, ‘Let me tell you what I think of bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world.” The film, which will include a community outreach component promoting women’s cycling worldwide, is slated to hit the global film circuit in 2015.

Elisa Dozono JD was one of 10 Japanese Americans chosen for the 2014 Japanese American Leadership Delegation, which traveled to Japan to engage with leaders in the business, government, academic, nonprofit, and cultural sectors.

Jordan Dunn-Small BA has joined the Woodward Canyon winery in Lowden, Washington, which is owned and operated by her parents, Rick Small and Darcey Fugman-Small. A member of the winery’s board of directors for the last several years, Dunn-Small has assisted with communications at the Walla Walla Valley Wine Alliance; worked in marketing and sales at Tertulia Cellars; and, for the past four years, managed the lab and coordinated packaging for Long Shadows Vintners. She represents the fourth generation to farm the land that the estate vineyard occupies.

Alex Forster BA completed his MA in Asian politics and energy strategy at George Washington University. His policy proposal, “Electrifying North Korea: Bringing Power to Underserved Marginal Populations in the DPRK,” was recently published by the East-West Center.


Class Correspondent: Aron Phillips

Lindsay McIntosh-Tolle BA gave her husband, Daniel McIntosh-Tolle BA, the idea and support to open a gluten-free brewery off Barbur Boulevard in Portland. As owner and founder of Moonshrimp Brewing, Daniel plans to produce and distribute quality, local, gluten-free beer throughout Portland with the hope of opening his own brewpub in the future.

Andrew Tenopir-Lundeen BA is furthering his education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In May 2014, he earned an M.L.I.S., with a certification in special collections and an additional specialization in data curation. He works as a consultant for the Special Collections Library at Michigan State University, uncovering and cataloging the provenance of rare books in their vault. He writes a blog about his work at


Class Correspondent: Maura Walsh

Amy Baugher BA has a new job as a research fellow at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention.

Katrin Gibb BA earned her MFA in creative writing at San Francisco State University in May 2014. An illustrated version of her short story, titled “As Elvis,” will be published by Chance Press in 2015.

Charles Morgan BA received the Chancellor Award for Public Service from the University of California at San Francisco. He writes that he has “spent a significant time outside of the lab teaching science to K-12 students and teachers… . It was in one such K-12 classroom that I had the pleasure to work with one of the newest faculty members of the Lewis & Clark biology department, Norma Velazquez Ulloa. I’m grateful to everyone at Lewis & Clark who helped to nurture my deep curiosity at the bench, love of science education, and commitment for improving our community. Thank you all again for your support over the years.”


Class Correspondent: Kelsey Harrity



Arts & Sciences Reunion

June 25−28, 2015


Bridget Donegan JD started a three-year term as a member of the Portland Police Citizen Review Committee, which reviews investigations of officer conduct, makes recommendations on bureau policies, and conducts public outreach activities.

Samuel Hernandez JD is preparing for a yearlong tour in Afghanistan. He serves as a light infantry company commander in the Oregon Army National Guard and has been an associate for the past two years at Barran Liebman, which the U.S. Department of Defense has honored with a Patriot Award for their wide-ranging support of Hernandez and his deployment. He is one of four Portland lawyers to receive a 2014 Oregon State Bar Litigation Section Rising Litigator Award.


Angela Webber BA and her sister, Aubrey Webber, perform as the musical group The Doubleclicks. They have received accolades for “promoting feminism and teaching little girls that they shouldn’t be ashamed to be smart and like science (and science fiction).” Now that they have surpassed their fundraising goals, they plan to record a new studio album, buy new video gear, start a monthly live-streamed show with music and guests, and more.


Class Correspondent: Josh Cohn

Barra Brown BA, an accomplished flutist, drummer, and composer, is a drummer in four gigging bands and recently released his debut album, Songs for a Young Heart. The Barra Brown Quintet is his newest project. The group includes guitarist Adam Brock, trumpeter Thomas Barber, bassist Arcellus Sykes, and tenor saxophonist Nicole Glover.

Elie Lauden BA is hiking the 2,650-mile Pacific Crest Trail from Mexico to Canada with four coworkers from Quetzaltrekkers, a volunteer-run trekking company in Guatemala. They are raising money for a school and dormitory for underprivileged Guatemalan children. Follow them or donate at

Abigail Press BA, a soul electronica singer and producer, launched a Kickstarter campaign for her European tour, Wavy. She will meet and perform with her Soundcloud collaborators, whom she’s been working with online for several years.

Chloe Waterman BA is a state legislative coordinator for the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.


Benjamin Hoffman BA received a fellowship from the National Science Foundation in recognition of his potential to contribute to research, teaching, and innovations in science and engineering. Hoffman hopes to earn a PhD, become a professor, and settle in an area with mountains and rivers.

Sam Tidwell BA started walking across America on November 1, 2013, with New York City as his final destination. He is “writing a letter to America with my feet.” You can follow his blog at

 Marriages and Unions

Roderick MacKenzie BA ’78 and Brian Boudreau, April 12, 2014, in Berkeley, California, after over 22 years together. Molly Morton Mayfield BA ’78, George Mayfield BS ’79, and Leslie Jensen BA ’78, MA ’91 attended the wedding.

Jamie Diamond BS ’97 and Cassie Diamond, September 21, 2013, at their property in Williams, Oregon.

Molly McAllister BA ’98 and Brandon Archibald, September 7, 2013.

Eric Dillio MA ’10 and Arianna Walker, August 25, 2013, in Parkdale, Oregon. The couple honeymooned in Italy.

Grace Wedgwood BA ’11 and Michael Winstead, May 31, 2014. Aukeem Ballard BA ’11 officiated; Jessica Holmes BA ’11 was a maid of honor; Holiday Eng BA ’11, Kristin Parvizian BA ’11, and Maggie Hennessey BA ’11 were bridesmaids; and Nate Moyer BA ’11 also attended.

 Births and Adoptions

To Mark Froehlich BA ’93 and wife Rosa Luna-Froehlich, daughter Skylar Paige Froehlich, June 11, 2013.

To Deana Schneider Wall BA ’97 and husband Jason, a son, Finnegan Cole Wall, July 23, 2013. He has an older brother, Connor.

To Dhruv Dayal BA ’98 and Soffia Magnusdottir Dayal, twin girls, Asta Amira Dayal and Annika Isabelle Dayal, April 21, 2014.

To Thomas Borton BA ’01 and Haley Borton, a son, Blake Borton, March 15, 2014.

To Jessica Warner-Grant BA ’02 and Matthew Grant, a daughter, Clara Eloise Grant, August 20, 2013.

To Brenda Sanchez Michels BA ’03 and Keith Michels, a son, Luke Francis Michels, December 5, 2013, in Walla Walla, Washington. He joins his 2-year-old sister, Natalie.

To Sarah Phan-Budd BA ’03 and Chris Phan BA ’03, a boy, Maxwell Vinh Phan-Budd, January 22, 2014, in Winona, Minnesota.

To Craig Beebe BA ’06 and Laura Content BA ’06, a boy, Ellis McEwen Beebe, born in January 2014, in Portland.

To Ann Jensen Heiliger BA ’07 and husband Bodo Heiliger, daughter Margo Regen Heiliger and son Axel Aloisius Heiliger, November 22, 2013.

 In Memoriam


Barbara J. Frederick Calder BS ’47, February 10, 2014, age 87.

Lee Huston BS ’47, October 19, 2013, age 90.

Dale M. Holm BS ’49,

November 19, 2012, age 88.

Coy D. Wiley BS ’49,

May 16, 2012, age 88.


Dale C. Burklund BS ’50, M.E. ’50, May 31, 2013, age 89. A member of the Lewis & Clark basketball and baseball teams, Burklund taught at Portland’s Parkrose High School before moving to California. He received his PhD in counseling and guidance from Stanford University in 1959. He was the director of counseling and guidance at Santa Clara County’s Office of Education for more than 30 years. Dale was married to Margaret French Burklund BS ’48.

Carl Partanen BA ’50, February 4, 2014, age 92.

William E. Leach BS ’51, March 2, 2014, age 85.

James R. Moon BA ’51, M.E. ’58, December 16, 2013, age 86.

George L. Morse BS ’51, October 19, 2013, age 86.

Elden G. Stender BS ’51, April 24, 2014, age 84.

The Honorable Darrell J. Williams JD ’51, April 9, 2014, age 92. Williams graduated from Beaverton High School, where he played baseball and trumpet. He formed and led a dance band in the Portland area until he enlisted in the Coast Guard in 1941. He went on to attend the University of Portland. Following law school, Williams began his practice in the Dallas, Oregon, office of Salem Title Company before establishing a private practice. He served as a justice of the peace for Polk County until 1959, when he was appointed to a newly created circuit court position for Polk and Yamhill Counties. He served as a circuit court judge for 27 years before retiring in 1986. Williams is survived by his wife of 71 years, Florence; two sons; a daughter; 10 grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.

William J. Gibbon BS ’52, April 1, 2014, age 86.

Donna Lee Young Gilmour ’52, October 11, 2013, age 82.

Stanley R. McGrath BS ’52, March 21, 2013, age 83.

Richard K. Metzler BA ’52, January 21, 2014, age 83.

Elizabeth M. Kennington Nance BA ’52, May 16, 2013, age 95.

James R. Sandvig BS ’52, January 29, 2014, age 88.

Marcia L. Bement BS ’53, March 30, 2014, age 82.

Audre M. Butler BS ’53, April 22, 2014, age 71.

Gerald W. Ness BS ’54, May 14, 2014, age 90.

Harold W. Copple BS ’55, March 26, 2012, age 81.

David Campbell Etter BS ’55, August, 18, 2013, age 79.

Hal Swafford BS ’55, MAT ’75, October 15, 2013, age 87.

Jane R. Copenhagen CAS ’56, April 22, 2014, age 81.

Roger A. Hanson BA ’56, M.M. ’58, July 29, 2012, age 78.

Thomas Andrew Kennedy JD ’57, April 19, 2014, age 92, in Portland following a stroke. Kennedy attended Eastern Oregon College of Education until his studies were interrupted by World War II. Following the war, he continued his service in the Naval Reserves, retiring as a lieutenant commander in 1969. Kennedy completed his bachelor’s degree at the University of Oregon and attended law school while working for Standard Oil. He was admitted to the bar in 1957 and began his legal career in private practice before moving to the Portland City Attorney’s Office. In 1963, he joined the Office of the Regional Solicitor for the U.S. Department of the Interior. He retired in 1987. In 1961, Kennedy married Dorothy Saunders, with whom he spent 53 years. They raised two children, David and Susan. He enjoyed mountaineering and hiking as a member of the Mazamas, and skied and cycled well into his 80s. Kennedy is survived by his wife, two children, and three grandchildren.

Stanley O’Donald Torgrimson JD ’57, June 17, 2014, on his 88th birthday. Torgrimson served in the Marine Corps and was a proud World War II veteran. He went on to become an assistant district attorney for the city of Portland. In 1951, he married Lucille Sterling, who was by his side for 48 years as they raised their two daughters. An avid sportsman, Torgrimson spent his vacations hunting and fishing. An animal lover, he would take in strays and nurse them back to health. He loved to read, especially tales by Garrison Keillor and Patrick McManus. Torgrimsom is survived by his daughters, Pamela and Patricia; a grandson; and a brother.

Duane Howard Cushman BS ’58, April 11, 2014, age 85.

Savas Joannides BS ’58, January 7, 2013, age 86.

Herman Spalinger BS ’58, January 27, 2014, age 77.


Dorothy M. Elhart BS ’60, August 21, 2012, age 82.

Donald R. Renfro BS ’60, March 9, 2014, age 82.

Gordon Ernest Alberti BS ’62, February 6, 2014, age 73, in Bothell, Washington, from complications due to Parkinson’s disease. A mathematics major and member of the Pioneers baseball team, Alberti was a first lieutenant in the U.S. Air Force from 1962 to 1966 and served as a Titan II missile launch officer. A Chartered Life Underwriter, Alberti spent the majority of his professional life as a health and life insurance agent in the Seattle area. He served on the Lewis & Clark College Board of Alumni. He is survived by wife Mary Lou; daughter Susan Kenny; sister Dawn Alberti McNannay BS ’71; and two grandchildren. He is predeceased by a sister, Carol Alberti BS ’64.

Leo Charles Sherry Jr. JD ’64, April 13, 2014, age 86, after a long illness. Sherry earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Portland and was a longtime attorney and CPA in Portland. He was active in the Catholic Church and a variety of charitable causes. Sherry is survived by his wife of 56 years, Nancy; sons Joe and John; daughters Katy, Ann, and Jean; one brother; and six grandchildren.

Neil D. Webber BS ’64, April 19, 2014, age 73.

William Barrows JD ’65, April 7, 2014, age 86. Barrows spent his entire career at the Oregon Legislative Fiscal Department. After retiring, he and his wife traveled full time in their motor home for nearly 18 years before settling back in Portland 11 years ago. William is survived by his wife of 59 years, Flora; daughter Margarett; sons Tom and Richard; and two granddaughters.

Randolph C. Martin BS ’66, July 22, 2013, age 69.

Jerry E. “Bronc” Butler JD ’68, May 1, 2014, age 90. When Butler was 4, his family moved to Southern California, where he encountered Hollywood. His portrait was used in a James Cagney movie to represent a young version of the star, and Butler himself appeared in a Johnny Weissmuller Tarzan movie. The family later moved to Coquille, Oregon, where they operated a sawmill. In the summers, Butler traveled to Wyoming to buck hay and work with his uncles on a ranch. Butler attended the University of Oregon and played football. He served as a nose gunner in the Pacific during World War II. While stationed with the Army Air Corps in Tucson, Arizona, he met Gloria Brena. They married August 25, 1946, in New Mexico. The couple moved to Oregon following his discharge from the service. Butler earned a master’s degree in education from Linfield College and taught in Stayton, Oregon, in 1950. He changed careers in 1953, becoming the personnel manager for the Stayton Canning Company. His responsibilities grew with the company. He retired from NORPAC Foods after 35 years as director of labor and public affairs, where labor negotiations and lobbying were his passions. He earned his law degree in 1968. He was the business representative on the Employment Board of Appeals for 18 years and served on the boards of Associated Oregon Industries, Northwest Food Processors’ Association, and Oregonians for Food and Shelter. He was also a recipient of the Stayton First Citizen Award. Survivors include wife Gloria; children Darrel and Lisa; five grandchildren; and five great-grandsons.


Annabeth “AB” Parker Jamieson-Weldon CAS ’70, MAT ’00, January 5, 2014, age 65.

Dale Neel ’72, September 15, 2011, age 61.

Marguerite “Rita” Clare Patterson BA ’72, November 15, 2012, age 62.

Barrie M. Lane BS ’73, February 28, 2014, age 63.

Timothy Lillebo BS ’74, February 8, 2014, age 61, after shoveling snow at his home near Bend, Oregon. Lillebo, a longtime staff member of Oregon Wild, worked as an advocate for Oregon’s forests.

Kenneth M. Taylor BA ’74, June 3, 2013, age 61.

Gordon B. “G.B.” Anderson Jr. JD ’76, February 13, 2014, after a seven-year battle with multiple myeloma. Anderson attended Bellevue High School in Washington, where he became the first-chair clarinetist and had his own Dixieland band. Anderson went on to play jazz clarinet, which became a beloved hobby. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Washington State University in 1965. Anderson specialized in criminal defense and personal injury law, practicing in the greater Seattle area for 35 years. He had a passion for American history and he left his library as his legacy. Survivors include wife Kathleen; daughters Betsy and Bonnie; and four brothers.

William Richard “Dick” Cooley JD ’76, February 22, 2014, age 66, from complications during heart surgery. Cooley attended Harvard University from 1966 to 1968, returning home to complete his bachelor’s degree at the University of Oregon. He earned his JD while spending time camping, waterskiing, hiking, and generally having fun with a close-knit group of friends. As a young man, he worked for Cooley Construction, his father’s homebuilding business, which inspired a lifelong career in real estate development. He left the family business for several years to work for United Homes and Pacific Development before returning to run his family’s real estate investment company. Cooley served on the Portland Homebuilders Board and the Multnomah County Planning Commission. He also chaired the Portland Planning Commission and the Portland Streetcar Board. Survivors include his wife, Leslie Anne Howell; children Alexander and Sarah; three siblings; and his beloved dog, Sasha.

James Markham BS ’78, August 22, 2013, age 67.

Neela Chevli BA ’79, September 14, 2013, age 55, in Naples, Florida, of lung disease complicated by a recent stroke. Chevli earned a master’s degree in library science from Syracuse University. She was married to Joel Feldman, and for many years, they sailed throughout North and South America. During a hurricane while in San Martin, Joel was lost at sea. Chevli then moved to Naples. Since 2000, she had worked at Florida Gulf Coast University, where she was coordinator of telecommunications. Her organizational skills, kindness, boundless good humor, love of people, and loyalty to them created a large network of caring colleagues. Survivors include her father, Naren Chevli; her mother, Marilyn Keith Chevli; her stepmother, Renate Chevli, MD; a sister; and her companion of the last seven years, David Fox.


Donovan Paul King BA ’81, March 28, 2014, age 55.

Karen Ruth Henderson BA ’89, April 27, 2014, age 47.


Keri Lynn Rose BA ’06, April 21, 2014, age 42.


Natasha C. Priess BA ’12, April 5, 2014, age 24. Priess, a history and political science major, was the author of The Verge of Darkness, a World War II novel, and an accomplished academic. She interned for the U.S. Department of Justice/FBI and planned to write her master’s thesis at Fordham University on the role of organized crime in the American war effort during World War II. Her thesis brought together two topics that fascinated her: crime and war. She died just two months before her planned move to New York City. She was also a valued member of the Lewis & Clark community and a friend to many students and faculty. Susannah White, her mother, has established the Natasha C. Priess ’12 Memorial Annual Scholarship to honor her daughter and benefit an undergraduate history major. Please contact if you wish to make a contribution in Priess’ memory.