Births and Adoptions, Spring 2014

Births and Adoptions

To Vincent Bernabei JD ’84 and Elizabeth VanDyke Bernabei, Luca Justice Bernabei, December 2012. Siblings Sidney, Dylan, Marcus, and Michael keep a loving watch over him.  

To Nerissa Koehn BS ’95 and John Miller, Olympia Gabriella Koehn Miller, September 17, 2013. Olympia joins sisters Sophia, 7, and Alexandria, 4.  

To Jacob Seljan BS ’96 and Hilary Crook, son Britton Samuel Seljan, September 26, 2013.

To Jesse Smith BA ’00 and Ilkido Arndt Smith BA ’00, daughter Kivrin Inara, May 11, 2013.  

To Elizabeth Hess BA ’02 and Charles Hess, Rebekah May Hess, January 31, 2013, in Washington, D.C. They moved to Boulder, Colorado, a few months after her birth.  

To David Muller BA ’04, son, Noah Eugene.  

To Susannah Garcia BA ’06 and husband, Richard, their second daughter in February 2013.  

To Austin Saylor JD ’08 and Erin Smith Saylor JD ’08, Ronan Grayson Saylor, February 20, 2013.  

To Christina Schuck JD ’11 and Matt Sasson, Julia Mae Sasson, June 12, 2013.