Sellwood Bridge update
Hwy. 43 Lane Closures: The outside southbound lane of Hwy. 43 is closed weekdays (except from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.) between SW Taylors Ferry Road and the project limits south of the bridge while the contractor excavates the hillside west of the highway. On weekdays the contractor also closes a northbound lane from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. between the bridge and Freeman Motors. The northbound slip lane of Hwy. 43 will continue to be closed south and north of the bridge from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. next week.
Northbound Highway 43 drivers may want to choose an alternate route to avoid daytime delays.
Permanent closure of Hwy. 43 northbound slip lane scheduled for early December: The slip lane that passes under the Sellwood Bridge is scheduled to close in early December so work can begin on the east half of the new interchange. When the lane closes, all traffic on Highway 43 and the bridge will pass through a new traffic signal. The contractor will install electrical lines for the signal in the next few weeks.
Springwater Trail Closure: The trail will remain closed one more week from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays for a slide repair, weather permitting. This work is not related to the Sellwood project.
Retaining Walls: The contractor continues to install soldier piles, soil nails, drainage and shotcrete on the walls north and south of the bridge (see photo). Forms are being set up for decorative facing that will be added to the walls starting next Thursday. Hwy. 43 traffic lanes will shift west along the new walls in January.
Work continues on the new regional trail and trolley corridor between the bridge and Macadam Bay.
New Interchange: The contractor continues to install soldier piles for a wall that will be part of the new interchange north of the bridge (see photo). The contractor demolished foundations of the old bridge approach this week, which closed the northbound slip lane.
Normal weekday work hours are 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.