main content Births and Adoptions, Summer 2004
To Anita Dalmar ’82 and her husband, Chuck Lowther, son Hugo Dalmar, January 16, 2002. Hugo joins sister Sarah Jane, 8.
To Wendy Robinson ’83 and her husband, Joseph McDermott, son Oliver, March 3, 2003. He joins brother Patrick, age 5 1/2.
To Jennifer Anzur Balda ’91 and her husband, Jay, son Jeremy Patrick, October 15, 2003. Jeremy joins brother Nicholas, 3.
To Scott Spendlove ’91 and his wife, Jenna, son Logan Dallas, February 25, 2004.
To Adrienne Brashear-Burgess ’92 and her husband, Jason Burgess, son Noah Jay, August 8, 2003. Noah joins sister Camille Celeste, 2.
To Robin Knutson Replogle JD ’93 and her husband, Dr. Eric S. Replogle, daughter, Natasha Daniele, August 27, 2003. Natasha joins brother Joshua Lucas, 2 1/2.
To Amy Homsi ’95 and Kristopher Homsi, daughter Isabel K., September 9, 2002.
To Anthony Israel-Davis ’95 and his wife, Elizabeth Israel-Davis ’96, MAT ’01, son Avinoam Micah, January 6, 2004.
To Britta Hansen Walker ’95 and her husband, Adam Taylor, son Aksel Taylor, June 17, 2003.
To Darren Drabek ’97 and his wife, Kirstin, daughter Elizabeth Ann, November 28, 2003.
To Caterine “Katia” Balogh Kennedy MAT ’97 and her husband, Matthew, son Joseph Gregory, November 15, 2003. Joseph joins brother Didier, 10.
To Mike Mayerle JD ’03 and his wife, Maura Mayerle, daughter Megan Kathleen, December 19, 2003.
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