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The 50th wedding anniversary is a marriage milestone—one that many Lewis & Clark alumni have achieved. Earlier this year, we celebrated these couples and their golden anniversaries at the College’s first Valentine’s Day luncheon. Reverend LaRae Parry ’51 of Newport Beach, California, was one of about 60 alumni and their spouses who came back to campus for the event. “Our years at Lewis & Clark made us who we are today and contributed to our success in love and in life,” she said. “It’s great to reunite with others who shared the same experiences.”
LaRae and her husband, Reverend Robert Parry ’51, met at Lewis & Clark, just like 17 of the 30 couples who attended the luncheon. Interim president Paul E. Bragdon and his wife, Nancy, also joined in the festivities. Their 50th wedding anniversary is this year.
With support from Alumni and Parent Programs, a committee of dedicated alumni planned the event. Committee leaders were Stan Blair ’51 and Susan Blair ’51, Frank Lawrence ’52 and Donna Lawrence ’52, Bruce Smith ’51 and Nancy Smith, and Dorothy Farmer. Dorothy’s husband, Neil Farmer ’51, was committee chair and contributed to this article.
If you’re an alum who’s been married for 50 or more years—or will soon celebrate your golden wedding anniversary—we’d love to recognize this important occasion with you. Please contact David Fentin, associate director of alumni and parent programs, to participate in the 2005 Valentine’s Day luncheon. He can be reached at 503-768-7955 or 800-753-9292, ext. 7, or
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