main content Online Directory Continues to Evolve
Wondering what happened to Anna from the Kenya trip or Don from constitutional law? To help you connect with your classmates wherever they are, we’re expanding the College’s online Alumni Directory to serve all three schools. The program started with the launch of the undergraduate directory in September 2003. The rollout continues with the law school’s Alumni Directory in late July and the graduate school’s Alumni Directory in late September.
Each school’s Alumni Directory includes basic and advanced search options that make it easy for you to look up old friends and find alumni with similar interests. With the basic search feature, you can search for alumni by name, class year, and major. The advanced search allows you to look for alumni using these fields and more. For example, you can locate alumni from Idaho who played basketball at the College, or find alumni who were on the forensics team while you were at Lewis & Clark.
We want to help you connect with other alumni while respecting—and protecting—your privacy. You determine the extent to which each piece of your information in the directory is shared, whether it will be available to all alumni, no alumni, just your class, or only your era (the three years before and after your class year). You can update your information and adjust your privacy preferences at any time.
If you are a graduate of two schools or of all three, you will be able to move between the directories of your schools seamlessly. Check out the site, or sites, that pertain to you to find out how to log in to the system, what to do if you forget your password, and more:
- Undergraduate alumni
- Graduate School of Education alumni
- Law School alumni
For log-in information or for answers to directory-related questions, contact Alumni and Parent Programs at 503-768-7950 or 800-753-9292, or e-mail
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