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Alumni Happenings in Brief

The Office of Alumni and Parent Programs is dedicated to helping you connect with alumni in your area through educational and social events. To find out about our upcoming programs, visit the Alumni Web site. We may be coming your way soon.


We recently hosted the following events for alumni across the country:


Portland: Wine tasting featuring wines by Adam Campbell ’95 of Elk Cove Vineyards, Cheryl Francis ’92 of Francis Tannahill Winery and A to Z Wineworks, and

Dr. Robert B. Pamplin Jr. ’64, ’65, ’66, who collaborates with winemaker Scott Huffman on Anne Amie wine.


Boston: Presentation of the College’s traveling exhibit, theLiterature of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, with Stephen Dow Beckham, Dr. Robert B. Pamplin Jr. Professor of History.


Denver: Beer tasting with brews by Eric Warner ’86 of Flying Dog Ales, Corkie Odell ’72 of Odell Brewing, andDavid Zuckerman ’87 of Rockies Brewing Company.


Los Angeles: Lecture on the confluence of music and architecture at the Walt Disney Concert Hall with Aaron Beck, associate professor of music and department chair, andAndrew Holder ’00.

The alumni wine-tasting event attracted 200 people from the Portland area. Above, left: Ben Pack ’52 and Sam Johnson. Above, right: Winemakers Adam Campbell ’95, Cheryl Francis ’92, and Scott Huffman.