main content 30 Years of Watzek Award Winners
On June 3, more than two dozen past recipients of the College’s Aubrey R. Watzek Award gathered to celebrate the 30-year anniversary of the event. The award honors citizens who pioneered in their respective fields and who enriched the Pacific Northwest, particularly Oregon. Nearly 200 individuals have received Watzek Awards since Lewis & Clark College’s Board of Trustees established the honor in 1973.
Clockwise, from top left: Arlene and Harold Schnitzer, 1982 and 2000 awardees, respectively. • Mariah Taylor, 2001 awardee. • Elizabeth “Becky” Johnson, 1984 awardee. • Tom Vaughan, 1975 awardee. • Ken and Joan Austin, 1992 awardees. • Sam Naito, 1982 awardee.
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