main content Introducing 2 New Minors

Beginning this fall, Lewis & Clark students may dig into a classical studies minor or soar into a dance minor.

Beginning this fall, Lewis & Clark students may dig into a classical studies minor or soar into a dance minor.

Classical studies minor

This interdisciplinary program allows students to examine the legacy of ancient Greek and Roman cultures, focusing on architecture, politics, art, literature, and philosophy. Courses are taught by faculty from the departments of music, English, theatre, communication, political science, religious studies, and history. Among the course choices are Greek or Latin language, classical rhetorical theory, ancient Western philosophy, theatre and drama, and biblical studies.

Dance minor

Lewis & Clark’s new minor in dance is housed in the College’s theatre department. The program, taught by theatre and music faculty, leads to a theatre minor with a dance emphasis. Students may select from courses in ballet, contemporary dance forms, fundamentals of movement, choreography, dance history and criticism, theatre and society, costume history and design, British and American theatre and drama, and introduction to world music.