Just for Kicks: Women’s Soccer in the 1980s
Varsity women’s soccer is slated to make a comeback to Lewis & Clark in fall 2004. But during the ’70s, ’80s, and early ’90s, the College also sponsored women’s soccer. Pictured here is the 1984 varsity team, which finished the season with an overall record of 13-5-2. Back row: Coach Randy Nordlof, Sheila Gallagher, Michelle Haskel, Carolyn Harley, Tracy Anderson, Kristen Sverdrup, Kelly Larson, Anne Pattee, Jen Stever, Erin Hedenberg. Middle row: Shelli Berg, Giffin Oliver, Monique Aas, Kristen Devotoi, Marti Klimenko, Megan Torrance, Julie Schmuck, Kate Loreh, Kim Langneid, Eliza Gallagher. Front row: Sally Koch, Monica Barber, Amy Leavenworth, Annie Valentine, Terri Crook, Helen Spencer, Robyn Gregory, Mallory Clark, Michele Herbert.
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