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By the time they arrived home, they had each logged some 20,200 air miles–just 4,700 short of the earth’s circumference. During eight days in March, President Tom Hochstettler, Board Chair John Bates, and Director of International Student Services Greg Caldwell traveled to London, Abu Dhabi, and Hong Kong, visiting some 120 faculty, students, alumni, parents, donors, and Lewis & Clark friends, as well as colleagues in education, business, and government.
“It was an exhausting itinerary but an exhilarating experience,” says Hochstettler. “Enthusiasm for Lewis & Clark energized us everywhere we went. Seeing and hearing firsthand the impact that our graduates are making in the world today, and witnessing the growing visibility they are bringing to our three schools, thrilled us.”
In addition to engaging parts of the College community outside the United States, the Lewis & Clark contingent cultivated vital relationships with several prospective partners. “By any measure, our visits were an outstanding success,” says Hochstettler. “The mission of Lewis & Clark is rooted in our Pacific Northwest heritage and is global in scope. Meeting friends and colleagues where they live and work is a powerful affirmation of our institutional values and our international commitment.”
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