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Each year, Lewis & Clark honors alumni from all three schools for their outstanding accomplishments and community service. These alumni distinguish themselves in a variety of disciplines by drawing on the values and skills they developed while on campus.
Alumni Honors Banquet: October 5, 2006
J. Jaiya John ‘89, distinguished alumnus, is the founder and executive director of Soul Water Rising, an education effort devoted to improving human relations and combating prejudice through spiritual growth and healing.
Sagala Ratnayaka ‘93, outstanding young alumnus, is a member of the Sri Lankan Parliament.
G. Ray Warren ‘65, MAT ‘71, posthumously awarded the Donald G. Balmer Citation for service to the College. He was associate dean of students and director of ethnic student services prior to his death in December 2004.
Kimberly Hansink ‘86, Pioneer Alumni Leadership Award, is vice president of the Pacific Northwest division of the Gallup Organization and former president of the College’s Board of Alumni.
Records of Distinction Honors Banquet
Held May 4, 2006
Glenn C. Maynard MEd ‘78 is assistant professor in the psychiatry department and director of the Behavioral Health Clinic at Oregon Health & Science University.
Vanessa J. Bunker, who completed the graduate school’s Institute of Executive Leadership in 1998, is the principal of Deer Creek Elementary School in the Tigard-Tualatin School District. In 2004, she received the National Distinguished Principal award from the state of Oregon. Bunker is currently working toward her doctorate in education in leadership at Lewis & Clark.
Ian M. Martin MEd ‘03 is a school counselor at the Russell Academy of Academic Achievement in the Parkrose School District, where he designed several successful programs, including a K-5 mentoring/goal-setting program and an after-school reading and art program for struggling readers.
Leslie E.C. Strobel M.S. ‘89 has been an adjunct instructor in Lewis & Clark’s school psychology program and currently works as a school psychologist in the special education department of Portland Public Schools. She is a member of the Collaborative Supports Team, which provides intensive multidisciplinary assistance to school teams charged with meeting the needs of special education students.
Jeffrey W. Rose MAT ‘97 is principal of the Russell Academy of Academic Achievement. During his six-year tenure, Rose and his staff have modified every aspect of the school–from expectations and beliefs about student achievement to assessment and instructional practices. He is currently working toward a doctorate in education in leadership at Lewis & Clark.
Distinguished Honors Dinner: October 28, 2006
Paul Bragdon, honorary alumnus, was interim president of Lewis & Clark in 2003-04. He previously served as president of Reed College, education adviser to former Oregon Governor Neil Goldschmidt, president of the Medical Research Foundation of Oregon, and president of the Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology (which merged with Oregon Health & Science University under his leadership).
The Honorable Henry Kantor JD ‘79, distinguished graduate, is a circuit court judge in Multnomah County. He was previously a district court judge and an attorney in private practice. From 1996 to 1999, he was a member of the law school’s Alumni Association Board of Directors.
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