main content Phi Beta Kappa Inductees
In April, Lewis & Clark’s Gamma of Oregon Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa initiated more than 40 new members, including one alumna. A faculty review committee selects students on the basis of academic excellence and breadth in the liberal arts as well as good character. The committee chooses alumni who have achieved scholarly distinction since graduating at least 10 years ago.
Alumna Member
Susan Willis Tolle ‘73, Director, Center for Ethics in Health Care, Oregon Health & Science University.
Class of 2006, Members Elected as Juniors
Kristin A. Aaker, Shannon T. Brady, Brian D. Erickson, Jeffrey B. Marshall, Mia C. Martin, Deanna R. Oothoudt, Linnaea C. Schuttner
Class of 2006, Initiates
Brent James K. Abe, James M. Atkin, Beaudre D. Barnes, Craig W. Beebe, Charles D. Blackmar, Audrey M. Blalock, Maggee J. Bond, Ryan D. Brutger, Diane M. Bushman, Anne M. Chamberlin, Samuel W. Crabtree, Aimee E. Craig, Sara V. Dasta, Katheryn M. Detwiler, Marissa A. Dorais, Ariel E. Eason, Matthew K. Ehrman, Beka Feathers, Jessica F. Hopson, Kasandra K. Jorgensen, Carmen V. Krol, Ryan F. Lidster, Jennifer N. Maki, Laurel A. Nakanishi, Beverley M. Rabbitts, Jenny A. Rettig, Sara E. Richheimer, Kathryn S. Ross, Melody R. Rynerson, Rachel E. Shipps, Kendra A. Shupe, Joshua E. Silverman, Carl G. Snodgrass, Katherine L. Stirr, Loring R. Veenstra, Robin A. Weinberg, Sarah H. Williams, Jason I. Wohlstadter, Christine W. Wong, Leah N. Yanoff
Class of 2007, Initiates
Joseph B. Alsberge, Kestryl C. Lowrey, Emily M. McCartan, Sasha D. Stortz, Melia G. Tichenor
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