Password Information

Password: A secret code that allows you to access all of your sensitive data, including your email, files, and grades.

Passphrase: A string of words, longer than a password for added security, that allows you to access your data.


Use an expression or phrase or passphrase.

The expression “you can’t have your cake and eat it too” can be abbreviated like so:  y00chycaei2! 

Exchange numbers for letters, and include a variety of both.

Exchange O’s for zero’s, I’s for 1’s, and E’s for 3’s. Include at least one upper, one lower case letter and have at least one number and 4 letters.

Use special characters.

These include ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + | = ` ~

Do not use names of your pets, family members or words in dictionaries.

These are often publicly known to your friends and are easily guessed.

Do not use the same password across multiple site or services.

Make it unique since data breaches are growing and accounts get compromised.

Consider using a password manager to generate complex passwords

(note: LC does not support the use of a password manager to store LC passwords. Use beyond password generation for your personal use.)




Keep your password private!

NEVER give your password to anyone, even if you are asked for it.  No legitimate company will ever request this information from you, as there are processes in place for you to reset it.