Watzek Mobile Lab

Twenty Windows PC laptops are available for checkout from Watzek Library. These Windows laptops have wireless access, and computer lab software is installed. Checkout is managed at the library checkout desk. Borrowers reserving the machines are responsible for securing equipment during use and their safe return.



  • Borrowers are responsible for laptop security during the entire checkout period. Laptops should not be left unattended.
  • The replacement charge for a lost or damaged laptop is $1,100. Please handle with care.


  • Laptops use a generic local account and password to log in. Login “Mobile Lab” and password “mobilelab”
  • Laptops are frozen and will be reset to the default configuration on restart. All locally saved work will be lost. Save any work you wish to keep to Google Drive or a flash drive.
  • Laptops will automatically connect to the PioNet-Guest network.
  • Some programs require an active connection to our Global Protect VPN. These programs include Stata 17, Mathematica, and ArcGIS (Desktop, Map, Pro). Starting Summer 2022, VPN access requires Multifactor Authentication. Please contact itservice@lclark.edu if you need to request Multifactor Authentication for your LC account.
  • Log in to the Global Protect application with your LC username and LC password. (All accounts created after January 1, 2020, have a lcxx-xxxx username.)
  • Laptops are designed to be used outside the cart, on battery power.
  • If a laptop isn’t working as expected, restarting it will reset it to the default configuration and fix many common issues. Please report any other problems to library staff.