main content Prevention Programming
Lewis & Clark offers multiple ways for students, faculty, and staff to engage with violence prevention on our campus
- Lead the Change: Bystander Intervention is a workshop designed to give participants the skills necessary to recognize signs of sexual and interpersonal violence and safely intervene. Workshops are 1.5-3 hours long and tailored to your group - whether that’s students, faculty members, or administrative staff. Together we have the opportunity to make Lewis & Clark a safer place for all.
- To schedule a Lead the Change workshop or event for your student organization, team, club, or residence hall, email Michelle Callahan ( Open Registration for September 2022 is here.
- To attend a Lead the Change workshop or event for faculty/staff keep an eye on The Source, or email Michelle Callahan ( to schedule a training for your department or office.
- Leading On is a 60 minute booster session designed for participants who have taken part in Lead the Change! Refresh your memory on information from Lead the Change and practice being an active bystander in different scenarios and build your intervention toolbox!
- To schedule a Leading On workshop or event for your student organization, team, club, or residence hall, email Michelle Callahan (
- To attend a Leading on workshop or event for faculty/staff keep an eye on The Source, or email Michelle Callahan ( to schedule a training for your department or office.
- Dynamics of Violence trainings are focused on defining sexual and interpersonal violence, examining the dynamics of power and control, and dispelling myths and misconceptions about campus violence. Trainings are 1.5-2 hours long and can be tailored to your group, although the primary focus is staff and faculty.
- Faculty and staff who work directly with students are highly encouraged to attend one of the workshops. Participants will leave with an understanding of their role as a responsible employee and resources for supporting students.
- To attend a Dynamics of Violence training keep an eye on The Source, or email Michelle Callahan ( to schedule a training for your department or office.
- Consent Conversations are peer-created and led workshops on consent-related topics for undergraduate students. Previous Consent Conversations’ topics included LGBTQ+ Healthy Relationships and Deconstructing Rape Culture.
- More Consent Conversations are on the way! Keep an eye on the Bark and social media for opportunities to attend workshops.
- View information about past workshops here.
Training courses from Get Inclusive prepare new college students for the unique challenges and responsibilities of college life. Focusing on creating a safe and healthy campus community by minimizing risks associated with alcohol, drugs, and sexual violence, the Get Inclusive courses take a harm-reduction approach that resonates with students and results in a healthy campus culture.
All incoming L&C First Year Students and Transfer Students are required to complete this course. Questions or concerns about the courses? Contact Michelle Callahan (
- Starting in the 2019-2020 school year, ongoing modules were made available to students interested in learning more about these topics.
voice x7107
Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Prevention
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219