main content Consent Conversations Workshops

We are inviting you to join in on discussions about various topics on consent education! We have three exciting workshops to get excited about.
April 11, 2022
Four students, in jackets and backpacks, standing outside on campus and chatting.
Four students, in jackets and backpacks, standing outside on campus and chatting.

Consent Conversations workshops are a go! We are inviting you to join in on discussions about various topics on consent education! We have three exciting workshops to get excited about:

1. Non-Heteronormative Relationships April 15th at 4:00PM

In this workshop we will discuss and give tools on how to have healthy, non-heteronormative and queer relationships. Basically, we will try to cover everything you wished you have learned in high school! These discussions are relevant to everyone, and specifically anyone who does not conform to traditional, stereotypical heteronormative emotional and/or sexual relations. LOCATION TBD.

2. Everyday Consent April 18th at 5:30 PM

This workshop seeks to discuss how consent is relevant in non-sexual, daily interactions. We tend to think of consent as only important in physically intimate situations, but that neglects the vitality of communication and comfort in platonic and professional dynamics. If we can conceptualize consent as broader than a sexual necessity, we can make our community safer and happier. LOCATION TBD.

3. Sexual Citizens Workshop & Panel April 21st from 5:30 PM-7:00PM in Gregg Pavillion

This workshop will be exploring the ways in which we can reduce harm through exploring the relationship between consent, and our own sexual projects, sexual citizenship, and the sexual geographies of LC.


If you are interested, please email with the name of the panels you want to attend! You do not need to email in order to attend, we just want a headcount to provide the appropriate amount of materials.

Follow our instagram @LC_consentconversations to stay up to date with locations of workshops and learn more about our program!

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