main content Sexual and Interpersonal Violence
No matter who you are, where you are, what you do, or what you have done in the past, gender-based violence is never your fault.
Lewis & Clark College is committed to a culture of respect and nonviolence. This entails providing a learning environment free of all forms of abuse, assault, harassment, and coercive conduct. Use these webpages to find institutional and off-campus resources for survivors of sexual or interpersonal violence, prevention initiatives on campus, and policies and procedures for responding to violence on campus. You deserve to build and maintain healthy relationships, where boundaries are communicated and consent is respected. We are here to help.
Support and Resources for Everyone
Whether you are a graduate, law, or undergraduate student or a staff or faculty member, L&C can provide you with resources, answers, and support.
- If this is an emergency or you feel immediately unsafe, you can call Campus Safety (x7777) or 911.
- If you would like to speak to a confidential resource on campus to learn more about any of these resources, you can reach out to a Confidential Advocate.
- If you would like to speak to a confidential resource off campus, Call to Safety operates a 24-hr hotline (1-888-235-5333).
voice x7107
Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Prevention
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219