main content April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Every April, there is nationwide recognition of Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). We uplift, support, and believe survivors during this month. We seek to link together to make a safer, more just community. Scroll through this page and check back throughout the month for updates on events, educational opportunities, resources, and for how you can get involved in raising awareness.

This project is sponsored by Grant No. 2018-WA-AX-0042, awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. Points of view in this document/webpage are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official positions or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.

April 01, 2022

White text on teal background. Photographs of daisies and scattered petals decorate the top.

Linking Together for a Safer Community

This year for Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Health Promotion and Wellness is highlighting the importance of community in preventing and responding to sexual assault. This includes proactive actions, such as being an active bystander to potential violence, and reactive actions, such as providing survivor-centered resources for support. Scroll down to read more about events, how you can get involved, and for further information on SAAM. 

Content warning: This news story will contain references to sexual assault and could contain references to other forms of interpersonal violence. Please take care when reading through this story. If you are in need of confidential support, reach out to a Confidential Advocate or to the 24/7 Call to Safety hotline at 503-235-5333.

Events and Projects

Educational Resources

Mythbusting: What’s True and What’s False?

Click through the menu below to bust myths about sexual assault. PDF version.

Books to Read

Support and Reporting Resources

For a full list of resources, please visit the Healthy Relationships Resources page. If you are in need of immediate medical or law enforcement services, please dial 911 or contact Campus Safety at 503-768-7777.

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