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Welcome to Fall 2024!

A message from Danielle Torres, Dean of Equity and Inclusion

Dean of Equity and Inclusion Danielle Torres Dean of Equity and Inclusion Danielle Torres

Happy Fall to All! We invite you to read on in this newsletter to catch up on our recent accomplishments and to learn more about exciting news for the upcoming fall months. We are so excited to support students, faculty and staff on campus as we continue to work every day to exemplify our commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive campus environment. We wish everyone the best of luck as we approach midterms.

  • The Office of Equity and Inclusion (OEI) remains dedicated to promoting a sense of belonging and engagement through ongoing consultation, collaboration, and support for students, staff and faculty. More than ever, OEI has been working hard to respond to global, local, and personal events and experiences of our community by enacting and emphasizing inclusivity and care.
  • The office was active in new student orientations at the College of Arts and Sciences and the Law School, welcoming students via several presentations and discussions related to inclusion and belonging topics. We’ve also been invited to speak to classrooms on a variety of topics, which we always enjoy!
  • In September, the OEI supported the Inclusion and Multicultural Center’s (IME) Great Expectations Mentorship fall weekend retreat aimed at first generation and students of color.
  • At the Law School, we delivered several course-based presentations on topics of Bias and Race in Professional Development and will be providing additional presentations on Calling In Skills and Disability Issues.
  • Outreach into the Portland community included sponsorship of the El Grito event as part of Hispanic Heritage Month at the Moda Center and attendance at the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians Annual Convention  in Ridgefield, Washington.
  • The OEI also produced its first Annual Bias Incident Reportwhich summarized data from the campus reporting system that aims to assist individuals and groups affected by bias incidents, tracked and documented these occurrences, and proposed responses and interventions aimed at reducing bias on campus.​ The intention going forward is to continue producing and publishing annual reports summarizing the data in an effort towards transparency, understanding trends, and implementing data-informed responsive strategies.
  • We encourage all community members to educate themselves about our Bias Assistance and Response Team (BART) report system. If you want to report a bias incident personally or confidentially, please use the form to alert campus offices.

Employee Spotlight - Gabriel “Gabe” Lorca

Gabe Lorca

My heritage reminds me every day why it is important to remember where we come from and think more deeply about where we’re going. Majoring in History has been a way of connecting with my and other cultures across time. I hope to continue this connection as I progress through my education and my career.

More about Gabe

2024 Fall Updates


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