Contact Information & Open Positions

If you would like to reach out to the executive board, you may contact us at

Private or Confidential Emails:

If you have information or a problem you do not want the College to have access to, contact us using our private email account

Be sure to use your personal email account (not an account) so your email remains inaccessible to the College. Remember, anything sent or saved on an lclark server can be accessed and used by the College at any time.

Vacant Positions

If you are interested in any of the positions below, please send an email to Chel Pennock ( or to the board ( with any questions you may have, or to request more information.  

First Vice President

Duties: Fulfill all duties and responsibilities of the President in their absence; chair the Position Description Questionnaire committee; act as an ex-officio member of all standing committees with the exception of the Audit Committee.

Requires leadership capability, negotiation and mediation skills, good organizational skills, and good understanding of the unit’s contract and some basic labor law. (3-year term, honorarium of $50 per month.) Must be a full member in good standing.

Vacant Area Representative (Steward) Positions: 

Duties: Be a local resource as liaison between the executive board and your local membership. 

  • CAS: McAfee, Facilities, Odell

Executive Board

President, Chel Pennock

Contact Info:
Technical Support Coordinator, Information Technology
Watzek Library, MSC 97, 503-768-7028

Duties: Preside over the membership of LCCSSA, call meetings, co-ordinate events, coordinate with the College regarding membership issues.

First Vice President, Vacant

Contact Info: Vacant

Duties: Fulfill all duties and responsibilities of the President in their absence; chair the Position Description Questionnaire committee; act as an ex-officio member of all standing committees with the exception of the Audit Committee.

Requires leadership capability, negotiation and mediation skills, good organizational skills, and good understanding of the unit’s contract and some basic labor law. (3-year term, honorarium of $50 per month.) Must be a full member in good standing.

Vice President for Contract Enforcement, Alison Walcott

Contact Info:
Administrative Assistant IV/Director Pamplin Society
College of Arts & Science, Fields Center, Office: 214, MSC 92, 503-768-7390

Duties: Oversee members’ rights according to the contract and labor laws. Handles grievance and arbitration issues.

Vice President for Communications, Marissa Behringer

Contact Info:
Grad School Marketing Manager
Graduate School, Ctr. for Community Engagement, Rogers Hall, MSC 85, 503-768-6222

Duties: Responsible for producing regular publications and public relations for the Union.  Responsible for webpage and Moodle account. Keeps all non-financial records, takes minutes at meetings and distributes minutes.  Reports on official correspondence the Union has received.

Vice President for Membership Services, Lisa Frenz

Contact Info:
Law School Legal Specialist, Faculty Services
Legal Research Center 232, MSC 51, 503-768-6663

Duties: Oversees membership organizing efforts; monitor and inform members about member and employee benefits and programs; be chief Area Representative and coordinate training programs; plan events coordinating closely with other board members.

Treasurer, Margaret Salstrom

Contact Info:
Administrative Assistant, CAS Office of the Dean
Albany Quadrangle, MSC 47, 503-768-7100

Duties: Responsible for receipt and distribution of union funds, operates the budget, and makes annual financial reports and deals with the annual audit.

Area Representatives

If you have questions regarding your work situation, contract questions, wage issues, etc. please contact the Area Representative assigned to your building. If that person is unavailable or the position is currently vacant feel free to contact a member of the Executive Board or one of the other Area Reps.

Campus Safety: Aidan Niven

Contact Info:
Campus Safety Officer
Campus Safety, MSC 107

CAS (McAfee, Facilities, Odell): 

Contact Info:

CAS (Albany and Howard): Carolin Thompson

Contact Info:
Administrative Specialist
Student Support Services, MSC 112, 503-768-7192

CAS (Watzek Library and Information Technology): Talie Bocci

Contact Info:
Weekend Supervisor
Watzek Library, MSC 95, 503-768-7341

CAS (Evans, Bodine, Bio-Psych, Olin, Fields, Pamplin, Theater): Amy Timmins

Contact Info:
Administrative Specialist I, Physics Department
Olin Center, MSC 55 & 15, 503-768-7530

CAS (Fowler Student Center): Amy Baskin

Contact Info: Administrative Assistant IV, English, History, Fir Acres Writing Workshop
Miller, MSC 58 & 41, 503-768-7405

CAS (Frank Manor House, Miller, Gatehouse): Dawn Wilson

Contact Info:
Administrative Specialist, Core Curriculum
Miller, MSC 83, 503-768-7208

Graduate School (Rogers, Sequoia): Shanta Calem

Contact Info:
Administrative Specialist and Adjunct Faculty, Teacher Education
Rogers Hall, MSC 14, 503-768-6104

Law School (Off-campus Legal Clinics): Adam Geisler

Contact Info:
Administrative Coordinator
Small Business Legal Clinic, MSC 51, 503-768-6940

Law School (Legal Research Center): Lisa Frenz

Contact Info:
Legal Assistant I
Law School, MSC 51, 503-768-6663

Law School (Gantenbein, Boley Library, Wood Hall): Ben Skaggs

Contact Info: 
Technology Technician III
Law School, MSC 51, 503-768-6620

Other Representatives

Audit Committee: Shanta Calem, Margaret Salstrom, Ronna Craig

Career Development Fund: Margaret Salstrom, Tyler Bearden

Labor-Management Committee (per BA Article 22):

  • President - Chel Pennock
  • VP Contract Enforcement - Alison Walcott
  • Grad School - Shanta Calem
  • Law School - vacant
  • AFT Field Representative - Rob Glase

Northwest Oregon Labor Council (NOLC): Chel Pennock, Alison Walcott

PDQ Review Committee: Adam Geisler, Becky Guderian

Student Debt Clinics: Pending

L&C Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee: Gabe Lorca

L&C 403b Committee: Shanta Calem

L&C Employee Benefits Committee: Chel Pennock

Transportation and Parking Committee: Chel Pennock

Task Force for Compliance Training: Vacant