main contentTriMet

TriMet provides bus, light rail and commuter rail service in the Portland metro area. Our transportation options connect people with their community, while easing traffic congestion and reducing air pollution—making our region a better place to live. If you’re looking to plan a trip or for more information, check TriMet’s trip planner

Lewis & Clark issues Hop Cards, digital passes from TriMet that are personalized for the user. L&C students and staff can only receive the college discount by using Lewis & Clark’s parking portal. TriMet bus passes are discounted 75%. The discount is paid for by parking fees on campus. This program is an institutional account, and has no connection to the public TriMet website. Only the Transportation & Parking department has access to the institutional account. 

Getting To and From Lewis & Clark

The #35T bus route spans from Oregon City through the campus, South Waterfront, downtown, the Rose Quarter, and beyond. The closest stop is located by the Law School. Commencing its service on August 27th, the #35T timetable will be available soon. Meanwhile, feel free to utilize the TriMet Trip Planner for precise stop information (select the date as August 27).

Starting from August 27, the campus will no longer be served by TriMet routes #36 and #39.

Check Hop Card Balance Here

First Hop Card Purchase: Monthly Pass

 First Hop Card Purchase: 10 Ride Ticket Books

Already Have a Hop Card?

Contact the Transportation and Parking office with your card number and we can add to institutional account. You will then have to follow regular instructions to load card with monthly pass or ticket book fares. You can call office, but email is preferable and usually faster.

Discounts and Subsidized Bus Passes

Trimet bus on the Lewis & Clark campus

Frequently Asked Questions