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Creating a Welcoming Classroom Climate
The Office of Student Accessibility professional staff, in collaboration with Lewis & Clark students, would like to offer the following tips for creating a welcoming classroom climate:
Here is an approved statement you may wish to add to your class syllabus and review during the first week of each class:
“If you have a disability that may impact your academic performance, you may request accommodations by meeting with the Office of Student Accessibility staff and submitting documentation on the Office of Student Accessibility website. Email with any additional questions or concerns.”
Accommodations simply provide an alternative way to accomplish the course requirements by
eliminating or reducing disability-related barriers.
This is also a great time to offer a private meeting with the student to set clear expectations regarding your work together.
Email Template to a Student in Response to Receiving their Accommodation Letter:
I wanted to confirm that I have received and agree with the accommodation letter was sent from you through the OSA office. Thank you for communicating with me about this. I have found it can be helpful to meet and talk about what these accommodations look like for you in my course. Would you like to meet? (INSTRUCTIONS FOR SCHEDULING)
In preparation for the meeting with me, please review the course syllabus and deadlines. If at any point in the semester you are having a difficult time in the course, please remember that I am here to support you. I hope you have a fun and successful semester!
Prompt questions you can ask during this meeting:
Do you have any questions about the syllabus or deadlines?
What type of support have you received in the past that you found helpful?
Is there anything in particular you anticipate will be a challenge for you in this course?
How will I know if you are having a hard time? (e. missing class, missing deadlines)
If you are experiencing something difficult, how will you communicate with me?
Finally, discuss student’s definition of success for the course, and then clarify what that looks like from your perspective as the instructor
It is important to remember that not all students with disabilities work with the Office of Student Accessibility - consider incorporating elements of Universal Design into your classroom.
One option to create effective ground rules is to elicit them from the class. Students with hidden disabilities, especially those that are psychologically based, may be fine with their instructor knowing about their disability, but may be very concerned about ridicule or harassment by their peers. Consider the work of Brian Arao and Kristi Clemens (2013) - From Safe Spaces to Brave Spaces
Informing students where the restrooms are and allowing occasional breaks in longer classes lets them know that you have an interest in their comfort.
Is a microphone available in your classroom? Sound amplification makes it possible for everyone to engage and learn.
Recognize the expertise and authority of personal experience. The student with the disability is most always the one who best understands the disability and how it impacts learning.
Share your own experiences, as your comfort level allows. Vulnerability is a quality that students with disabilities have identified as important in people they decide to trust.
For assistance with access or disability-related questions or concerns, contact the Office of Student Accessibility at or (503)768-7192.
Student Accessibility is located in room 206 of Albany Quadrangle.
MSC: 112
voice 503-768-7192
fax 503-768-7197
Office Hours:
Monday through Friday
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
CAS Exam Proctoring Hours:
Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Student Accessibility
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219