main content Universal Design Resources

Lewis & Clark’s Office of Student Accessibility Advisory Committee is working on developing resources and information related to Universal Design. If you would like to join the committee, or would like to suggest ideas or resources, please contact and we’ll get you connected with the group.

Below are some links to universal design information:

Universal Design Education: Supports educators and students in their teaching and study of universal design.

The Center for Universal Design: A national information, technical assistance, and research center that evaluates, develops, and promotes accessible and universal design in housing, commercial and public facilities, outdoor environments, and products.

Universal Design Alliance: Committed to creating awareness and expanding the knowledge of universal design for all ages, sizes, and abilities through education, services, and resources. Membership is open to designers, builders, students, businesses, and consumers who want to share and learn about universal design. 

Disabilities, Opportunities, Inter-networking, and Technology (DO-IT): A program at the University of Washington funded by the U.S. Department of Education and the National Science Foundation to share guidance and resources on creating more accessible products and environments through the use of universal design. DO-IT’s special focus is on the accessible design of information technology and universal design in education (UDE).