Frequently Needed Information

Each sponsor will have its own set of instructions and guidelines that should be followed precisely. However, many applications require institutional information, including the following:

Name and address of organization applying for support:

Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland, OR 97219-8091 

Please note that Lewis & Clark’s street address changed as of May 1, 2020

Congressional District(s):
  • Lewis & Clark is in the Fifth Congressional District (OR-05)
  • To find your residential Congressional District
  • Oregon Senate District: 19th
  • Oregon House District: 38th
Institutional Information:
  • Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) Number: JXJJHFBDBLD5
  • Data Universal Number System (DUNS) Number: 009418286             
  • Federal (also Employer) Identification Number: 93-0386858   
  • OPE ID Number: 00319700
  • NCES ID Number: 209056
  • Date of 501 (c) 3: 1946,  Affirmed June 3, 2002
  • Date of 509 (a): Affirmed June 3, 2002
  • Lewis & Clark’s founding: February 2, 1867
  • Public Health Service (PHS) Assurance Number for Animal Care and Use:  D16-00935 (A4746-01)
  • Federalwide Assurance (FWA) Assurance Number for Human Subjects Research: FWA00013631
  • Institutional Research Data Hub
Commonly Needed Information for Proposal Budgeting
  • Indirect Cost Rate Agreement
    Lewis & Clark’s
    Indirect Cost Rate, effective June 1, 2024 until May 31, 2028:
    • On-campus: 41% Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC) Base
    • Off-campus: 15% Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC) Base
  • Lewis & Clark’s Fringe Benefit Rates: Actual fringe benefit rates should be used in budgeting when available; please ask SPARC for this information. If not available, the average of 31% of Institutional Base Salary should be used for compensation during the period of appointment (including sabbatical and course release), and 10% of Institutional Base Salary should be used for periods outside the period of appointment or for non-benefit eligible employees to cover payroll taxes.
  • Lewis & Clark’s Per Diem and Mileage Reimbursement
  • Oregon Minimum Wage