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Our logo is the most important element of our visual identity. Its job is to create brand awareness, recognition, and trust.

Our Logos

Our logo is the shield. Lewis & Clark shield Lewis & Clark shield

Each of our three schools has its own version which is customized with the name of that school, plus there is one for the institution as a whole. We call these logo signatures (but we’ll know what you mean if you say “the law school logo” or “the grad school logo”).

Lewis & Clark Logo Signatures Lewis & Clark Logo Signatures

How to Use Our Logos

We don’t like to be told what to do any more than you do. But we do want Lewis & Clark to look its best at all times. By following these rules, you help us make our brand strong:

  • All versions of our logo should be used with no modifications or additions.
  • Our logo functions best when not crowded by other elements—use the width of the shield as a measuring tool to provide the logo breathing room. Don’t cram the logo in, and avoid coming close to edges.
  • Maintain proportions—don’t distort the logo by stretching or compressing the image.
  • The logos are designed to be reproduced in black and orange, all black, or all white. We use no other colors or combinations.
  • There will be times when the primary (vertical) logos will not fit, so we also offer secondary (horizontal) logos for download. The word mark (no shield) is available for times when space is very limited.
  • Using the shield on its own is sometimes a good choice for less formal communications, and it also helps to avoid any repetition if Lewis & Clark is in a header. It’s a way to strengthen the school or institution’s identity without shouting.

If you have any questions or would like some guidance on how to best use our logo, reach out to Associate Vice President for Communications Stacey Kim

The Seal (which is not our logo!)

The seal is the formal academic mark of Lewis & Clark and is intended primarily to authenticate official documents such as diplomas and certificates. It is not available to download.

Lewis & Clark Seal Lewis & Clark Seal


Download what you need from our logo folder on Google Drive. Please consult our logo usage guidelines in the bulleted list above.