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Mimi Cuciureanu

Research Assistant
Phone: 503-768-7930
I graduated from the University of San Francisco in 1969. After moving to Portland, I started working at Lewis & Clark in September 1985 and stayed for 2 and ½ years before leaving. I returned to my same position in Institutional Advancement in August 1988. While at LC, I have been involved in secretarial and clerical duties for the Research Department of Institutional Advancement. My duties include data entry and information storage and retrieval. I enjoy working at the College since it is a vibrant community and yet peaceful because of its beautiful setting and friendly staff.
My interests include reading and enjoying Portland’s cultural offerings like the symphony and ballet.
Prospect Research and Management is located in McAfee 112.
MSC: 88
voice 503-768-7914
Director Khoi Dinh
Prospect Research and Management
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219