main content Work at Home

Policy Statement: In some areas of the College, it may be possible for staff members to perform their jobs from their home. By providing this option in certain circumstances, the College may be able to recruit and retain valued employees and meet our transportation and parking reduction goals.

Work-at-home is a work business arrangement and not a benefit. When evaluating this proposal, the needs of the College must take first priority. Positions should be evaluated based on factors such as type of customer service provided, types of tasks performed, task interdependence and the operational needs of the department and the College. Individuals should be evaluated based on factors such as previous work performance, dependability, and ability to work independently, computer/technological skills, ability to adapt to change and a home environment conducive to a work-at-home arrangement.


1. A supervisor typically initiates such an arrangement. Employees may also initiate a request for this arrangement. The first step is for the employee to give the immediate supervisor a written proposal detailing how this arrangement meets the requirements of the job description, the impact on the department and the quality of customer service provided. The proposal should also describe how the employee's home is conducive to this option. Employees have the right to refuse to work at home if the option is made available to them. The proposal should describe how customer service levels would be maintained or increased.

2. Supervisors must carefully evaluate the request based on factors listed in the policy to determine if there is a reasonable expectation that the benefits will outweigh the costs.

3. The department head may approve the work-at-home arrangement.

4. If approved, a written agreement will be prepared (in conjunction with Human Resources) detailing essential elements including: tasks and responsibilities in addition to their job description, liability insurance, workers compensation, communication plan with supervisor and department, equipment and telecommunications costs, security, safety and ergonomics, home inspection requirements etc.

5. The work-at-home agreement may be withdrawn at any time if, in the supervisor's view, it is no longer in the best interest of Lewis & Clark College to continue.

Approved by the Executive Officers, August 21, 1998.