main content Employee Definitions
Lewis & Clark College has the following employee classifications. Benefits may vary by employee classification so it is important that employees understand their classification at the time of hire.
The faculty consists of those individuals appointed in writing as faculty as approved by the appropriate dean. Voting rights and other matters concerning faculty status are described in the relevant school sections of the Faculty Handbook.
All employees of the College who are not exempt from the overtime requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
LCCSSA Bargaining Unit
The College recognizes the Lewis & Clark College Support Staff Association (LCCSSA) as the bargaining representative for all nonprofessional, indefinite-term, non-exempt support staff in the College of Arts and Sciences, Graduate School of Education, and Lewis & Clark College School of Law, including clerical, secretarial, institutional services, and laboratory technician employees, and excluding grounds/maintenance employees, housekeeping employees, faculty, professional employees, guards, administrative staff, confidential employees, supervisors, student employees, casual or temporary employees, and
part time employees who are regularly scheduled to work less than twenty (20) hours per week.
Facilities Bargaining Unit
The College recognizes Teamsters Local Union No. 305 as the bargaining representative for all employees in the Facilities Department, excluding office clerical, seasonal, part time, temporary and student employees, guards, professional employees, supervisors, and all other employees.
Overtime Eligible Excluded
In 2006, the College created a new employee class of certain Fair Labors Standard Act (FLSA) non-exempt staff positions excluded from either union. This group includes:
- Supervisors
- Campus Safety Officers (Guard)
- Confidential Employees
- Professional (as defined by the National Labor Relations Act)
- Employees Working Less Than Half-Time (not benefit eligible)
All employees of the College who are exempt from the overtime requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Faculty are considered exempt employees.
A manager/supervisor is any employee who has the authority to hire, transfer, suspend, lay off, recall, promote, discharge, assign, reward, or discipline other employees, or to recommend such action. A supervisor also has the responsibility to direct the work of employees and to hear their grievances.
Full-Time Employees
Full-time employees are persons who are regularly scheduled to work 1,950 more hours per year.
Part-Time Employees
Part-time employees are persons who are regularly scheduled to work fewer than 1,950 hours per year.
Temporary or Casual Employees
Temporary or casual employees are hired on a temporary basis with the agreement at the time of hire that employment is not expected to last more than six months. Upon mutual agreement, a temporary assignment may be extended beyond six months but may make the temporary employee eligible for benefits.
Introductory Employees
An introductory employee is a new non-faculty employee who has not completed 90 calendar days of active employment in the new position. In unusual cases, an employee’s supervisor may request that the introductory period be extended for up to an additional 90 calendar days. This request must be approved by the Assistant Vice President for Human Resources and include specific performance expectations necessary for continued employment.
Student Employees
A student employee is a full or part time student at the college whose work is a part of their financial aid package to attend the college or part of their Work Study Program. Students can be enrolled in the College of Arts and Science, the Graduate School or the Law School. Their supervisors may be faculty or staff members who are responsible for tracking and reporting their hours of work to HR/Payroll.
Terms defined in duly adopted collective bargaining agreements will control with respect to bargaining unit members.
Approved by the Executive Council, May 31, 2002. Revised: July 31, 2012 Revised: November 28, 2012
Human Resources is located in Lower McAfee on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 72
voice 503-768-6235
fax 503-768-6233
Associate Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer Helen Howell
Human Resources
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219