main content Sick Leave For Exempt Administrative Staff
Purpose: To provide eligible employees with protection against income loss as a result of illness or injury requiring time away from work.
Policy Statement: Full time administrative staff hired on a regular (not temporary) basis are credited with 22 days of sick leave per academic year, September 1st through August 31st. Part time administrative staff, regularly scheduled to work a minimum of 20 hours per week, receive sick leave credit in the ratio of regularly scheduled hours to full time hours.
- Administrative staff will receive the annual sick leave credit each September 1st.
- Administrative staff hired mid-year will be credited with 1.83 days of sick leave for each month remaining in the academic year. They must work 75 hours in the first month for accrual in the same month.
- Supervisors will document the use of sick leave on the “Exempt Employee Absence Report.”
- Sick leave is available to cover time loss due to injury or illness and is not payable upon termination.
- Sick leave may not be taken in increments of less than one day.
- Administrative staff using sick leave shall notify their supervisor as soon as possible, but not later than the beginning of the workday.
- The College may request a physician’s statement verifying the need for sick leave.
- Absences due to injury or illness that exceed sick leave shall be charged to vacation before placing an employee in unpaid status, or short-term disability, if applicable.
- Administrative staff who do not use sick leave during one academic year will receive an additional personal day to be used in the next academic year.
Approved by the President’s Cabinet, June 24, 1992.
Revised on June 4, 2008.
Human Resources is located in Lower McAfee on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 72
voice 503-768-6235
fax 503-768-6233
Associate Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer Helen Howell
Human Resources
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219