main content Employee Holidays

Purpose: To provide regular employees with paid time off to recognize major holidays.

Policy Statement: Benefit eligible employees who work 20 hours or more per week are entitled to paid time off for the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving and the week beginning Christmas Eve Day through New Year’s Day. The President’s office publishes an annual holiday schedule that includes any additional holidays for the year.


1. Holiday pay is straight time pay based on a 5 day work week. Full time employees will receive 7.5 hours per day for each holiday, regardless of what they are normally scheduled for on that day. Part time employees (.53 FTE or greater) will receive a pro-rated amount based on FTE against the full time 7.5 hours, regardless of what they are normally scheduled for on that day.

2. Part time employees who receive holiday pay less than what they would normally be scheduled on that day, and full time employees who work varying shifts, may adjust their hours on another day with notification to their supervisor, or use vacation time to make up hours not covered by holiday pay.  If an employee receives holiday pay equal to the number of hours they are normally scheduled to work in a week they may not use additional vacation or sick leave in that week, if it will result in overtime or will exceed the hours they are normally scheduled work in that week.

3. To be paid for the holiday, the employee must be in paid status on the last regular work day before and the first regular work day following the holiday. Employees are deemed to be in paid status when receiving regular, sick, or vacation pay.

4. Holidays that occur during vacation or sick leave will not be charged against such leave.

5. Non-exempt employees who work on a holiday may be paid regular pay in addition to holiday pay, or may receive alternate time off during the same work week, at the discretion of the College. Exempt employees who work on a holiday will receive no additional compensation.

6. A union contract may supersede this policy.

Approved by the President’s Cabinet, April 28, 1993.
Revised by Executive Council on December 5, 2007.

Revised on February 11, 2015.