main content Continuous Service

Continuous Service

Purpose Statement: Many of the employee benefits for which College staff and faculty are eligible depend upon length of continuous service an employee has with the College. The computation of continuous service will be administered according to this policy.

Policy Statement: Continuous service begins with the regular (excluding temporary or casual employment) employee's date of hire. Continuous service shall be broken if:

a. an employee resigns or quits.

b. an employee is terminated by the College for any reason.

c. an employee overstays an authorized leave of absence.

d. an employee is laid off for more than six (6) consecutive months.

Continuous service normally is not broken while an employee is on authorized leave of absence, and such leaves may be granted only in keeping with relevant leave of absence policies.

Employees who are rehired within six (6) months of the date their employment terminates will be reinstated at the same level of benefiting that they received at the time of their termination.

Approved by The Executive Council May 31, 2002.