Vacation Pay

Lewis & Clark recognizes the value of time away from work for the purposes of rest, relaxation, or personal emergencies. 


Non-represented Administrative Staff
  • 15 hours per month for 1.0 FTE (pro-rated for FTE)
  • May accrue up to 300 hours annually (may accrue up to 315 hours from 9/1/2020-8/31/2021)
  • Once an employee reaches the vacation cap they will stop accruing until they go below the cap by using vacation.
  • Policy for Exempt Administrative Staff Vacation


Represented Hourly Employees (Non-Exempt)

Subject to collective bargaining and accrues on an hourly basis. Maximum accrual is 24 days



Vacation may not be taken prior to earning it and must be approved in advance by the employee’s supervisor, taking into consideration the needs of the department and vacation requests made by other employees in the department. If a number of employees request the same vacation time, the supervisor makes the final decision.

Absence from work not covered by sick leave or Workers’ Compensation will be charged to vacation before you are placed on time off without pay.  For represented employees vacation accruals are a vested benefit; upon termination all accrued but unused vacation, up to the maximum, will be paid out on the final paycheck.