
Mission statement:

The Health Center mission is to support the health of the LC community and to provide compassionate and comprehensive medical services that support students in reaching their academic goals and in living healthy, well-balanced lives. Care is provided equally to all registered students regardless of age, race ethnicity, physical ability or attributes, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

To accomplish our mission we:

  • Provide high quality evidence-based medical services.
  • Practice with a student centered focus that honors diversity.
  • Promote inclusion and increasing awareness of the impact of privilege, prejudice, marginalization and discrimination in the lives of individuals.
  • Practice according to professional ethical guidelines and legal mandates.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to promoting lifelong healthy behaviors and global citizenship.
  • Collaborate with partners on and off campus to support:  students’ personal health; students’ growth and success; and the health of the LC community.


The Health Center encourages the following learning outcomes:

  1. Students who have engaged in services at the Health Center will understand their symptoms and the relevant strategies of the medical care that they received. 
  2. Students will gain an increased knowledge of how to prevent illness and maintain health to be academically successful.
  3. Students receiving travel medicine services will have a basic understanding of 1) health risks and 2) strategies for managing those risks related to the countries in which they will be studying/traveling.