main contentGraduate School Financial Aid Eligibility
for graduate students
How Does Financial Aid Work?
Financial aid assists you with the cost of an education. You don’t have to be in a low-income category to qualify for financial aid. Some students receive aid based on special achievements, while others receive aid based on their demonstrated need. Need is the difference between what it costs to attend a college and what you and your family can afford to pay. The basic formula to determine eligibility for need-based aid is:
Educational Costs (Cost of Attendance)
— Expected Family Contribution (EFC) or Student Aid Index (SAI)
Eligibility for Need-Based Financial Aid
Your choice of an institution should not be limited by the cost of education at a particular school, since financial aid is designed to help bridge the gap between what you can afford and the educational costs.
Cost of Attendance
The Cost of Attendance budget used to determine eligibility for financial aid reflects the estimated expenses associated with attending Lewis & Clark. This budget is comprised of both direct costs (e.g., tuition and fees) and indirect costs (e.g., transportation, personal expenses, books and supplies, living expenses). Because indirect expenses are highly discretionary and vary considerably from student to student, an average allowance is used for these components of the budget. Be advised that the actual cost of attending Lewis & Clark may differ from the estimated Cost of Attendance used to determine eligibility for financial aid.
Expected Family Contribution (EFC)/Student Aid Index (SAI)
For the 2023-24 academic year, the EFC is determined by applying a uniform federal formula to the information provided on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). For the 2024-25 academic year and beyond, the FAFSA will use an updated needs analysis formula to produce a Student Aid Index (SAI). We use this EFC (SAI in 2024-25 and beyond) to determine the types and amounts of aid a student is eligible to receive. Student loan resources designed to help students borrow their EFC or SAI are available.
General Eligibility Information
To receive financial assistance from Lewis & Clark, an individual must be admitted as a degree-seeking student. In addition, students must meet the following criteria in order to receive federal financial aid:
• Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen
• Make satisfactory academic progress toward a degree
• Enroll at least half-time each semester
• Not be in default on any prior federal student loan
• Not owe an overpayment on a federal grant or loan program
Students who are not admitted into a degree-granting program or who are enrolled less than half-time may be eligible only for certain types of private education loans.
Financial Aid Adjustment Availability
We have the ability to use professional judgement to make adjustments to the Cost of Attendance based on an individual student’s situation. These adjustments can be considered in limited circumstances where the student has unique expenses that are not already considered or fully accounted for in the standard Cost of Attendance. Review the Graduate FAQ to learn about the special circumstances in which an adjustment may be made to your Cost of Attendance.
Financial Aid is located in Fowler Student Center on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 56
voice 503-768-7090
fax 503-768-7074
Document Submission Portals:
New Undergraduate Students
All Other Students
Associate Vice President Anastacia Dillon
Financial Aid
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219