main content Active Threat Preparedness
In the unlikely event of an active threat on campus, Lewis & Clark’s active threat preparedness is modeled on Run, Hide, Fight - a phrase first developed by the City of Houston and endorsed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the FBI.
Remember that these steps (Run, Hide, Fight) may not always occur in the same order, so internalizing their instructions can be helpful for quick recall.
Get out and get away as quickly as possible if it is safe to do so.
- Evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow.
- Leave your belongings behind.
- Help others escape, if possible.
- If you can’t get out, you can get away, buy time and create distance between you and the attacker.
- Remember, if you are able, you can also go upstairs to get away if going down is not an option.
- Call 911 when you are safe.
If you cannot get away, find a place to hide where the attacker is less likely to find you.
- Lock and/or barricade doors.
- Turn off lights.
- Remain quiet.
- Stay out of the attacker’s view.
- Silence your cell phone.
- Hide behind large items (e.g., file cabinets, desks) that could provide ballistic protection.
If all else fails, and only as a last resort, confront the attacker with whatever makeshift weapons you can find (scissors, portable fire extinguishers, chairs, etc.) to disarm and disable. It is best, when possible, to work with others.
Active Threat Preparedness Video
Frequently Asked Questions and Concerns
Individuals with disabilities or access and functional needs should plan and prepare in advance by considering what type of assistance may be needed to stay safe and secure during active events. If needed, you should try identifying people who could provide assistance in an active shooter situation. However, you should always plan to be able to respond as independently as possible as active events are dynamic in nature. Develop options and consider contacting Campus Safety for help thinking through specific situations.
- People who have severe anxiety or PTSD should consider seeking assistance from a mental health provider to talk through strategies for thinking about active threat response.
- People with mobility impairments will want to consider differences in response strategies. An active threat scenario is different from a fire. Instead of going to a stairwell to await rescue, the best course of action for a person with limited mobility may be to shelter in place. Again, think through what will work best for you.
- People who are deaf or hard of hearing should pay special attention to visual cues that signal a shooter situation. Maintain situational awareness. Remember to mute your phone if you are hiding.
- People who are blind or visually-impaired should remember to turn off the lights in their space.
- If you want someone nearby to assist you, let them know specifically want you are asking them to do for you. People may want to help but not know how.
- If you require medication or glucose, you should have supplies with you at all times as shelter-in-place orders may continue for indeterminate amounts of time while law enforcement clears the area.
- If you are in a hiding place and require medical assistance, call 911 and communicate your specific needs and your exact location to authorities.
- If there are announcements after a shelter in place and you are having difficulty processing the information, ask someone near you for clarification.
Please note: People who do not have a disability, but wish to help those who do, should always ask before touching or grabbing them or their medical equipment/devices.
As a reminder, active threat situations will vary, so understanding key safety considerations is critical. Be sure to refer to the above guidelines on a periodic basis so that you can be as prepared as possible.
Emergency Management is located in East Hall on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 76
voice 503-768-7813
Emergency Management
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219