main contentCrisis and Emergency Assistance
During Business Hours
Students in urgent need of psychological assistance should call the Student Counseling Center at 503-768-7160.
The Student Counseling Center is open 8:30 a.m. - noon and 1:00 - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, when school is in session.
Please note that summer hours are more limited.
After Hours (Evenings, Weekends, Holidays)
A Crisis Counseling Service is available at 503-265-7804 whenever the Student Counseling Center is closed or staff are unavailable. Trained mental health staff can assist with concerns.
If this is an emergency and the student is on-campus, call Campus Safety at 503-768-7777; or go to your nearest hospital emergency room. For off-campus emergencies, call 911. Campus Safety cannot respond to off-campus incidents.
Mental health consultation is also available 24/7 by calling the Multnomah County Crisis Line (503-988-4888).
Cascadia Urgent Mental Health Walk-in Clinic. Open daily 9:00am-9:00pm at 4212 SE Division Suite 100, Portland OR 97206. Call 503-963-2575.
Unity Center for Behavioral Health Walk in, 24 hours/day at 1225 NE 2nd Ave, Portland OR. This is a psychiatric emergency facility and they will help evaluate whether in-patient care would be helpful to support your safety. Call 503-944-8000.
During Business Hours - Students in urgent need of psychological assistance should call the Student Counseling Center at 503-768-7160.
The Student Counseling Center is open 8:30 a.m. - noon and 1:00 - 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, when school is in session.
Please note that summer hours are more limited.
A Crisis Counseling Service is available at 503-265-7804 whenever the Student Counseling Center is closed or staff are unavailable. Trained mental health staff can assist with concerns.
If this is an emergency and the student is on-campus, call Campus Safety at 503-768-7777; or go to your nearest hospital emergency room. For off-campus emergencies, call 911. Campus Safety cannot respond to off-campus incidents.
Mental health consultation is also available 24/7 by calling the Multnomah County Crisis Line (503-988-4888).
Cascadia Urgent Mental Health Walk-in Clinic. Open daily 9:00am-9:00pm at 4212 SE Division Suite 100, Portland OR 97206. Call 503-963-2575.
Unity Center for Behavioral Health Walk in, 24 hours/day at 1225 NE 2nd Ave, Portland OR. This is a psychiatric emergency facility and they will help evaluate whether in-patient care would be helpful to support your safety. Call 503-944-8000.
Emergency: 911
Campus Safety: 503-768-7777 (24-hour service)
Crisis Counseling Service (available during the day and after hours, whenever Counseling staff are unavailable): 503-265-7804
Student Health Center: 503-768-7165 (8 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, closed during the summer)
Multnomah County Crisis Line: 503-988-4888 (24-hour service)
Crisis Text Line: Text the word “START” to 741-741.
Crisis Text Line is a free, 24/7 support for individuals in crisis through texting.
- Students of color text “STEVE” to 741741
Crisis Line for Racial Equity Support Calls are answered by individuals with lived experience with racism. 503-575-3764. Answered weekdays 10:00am-7:00pm.
National Hopeline: 1-800-273-TALK 1-800-273-8255 (24-hour service)
Call to Safety: 503-235-5333
Sexual Assault Resource Center: 503-640-5311
Trans Lifeline: 877-565-8860 National Hotline for trans* identified individuals staffed by other trans* identified people.
The Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386 provides phone, chat, and text support for LGBTQ+ youth
- LGBTQIA+ students text “START” to 678678
Confidential Advocates (formerly known as SARAs) are trained to respond to and support survivors of sexual and interpersonal violence.
Confidential Advocates are available during weekday business hours (check webpage for availability). If this is an emergency or you feel immediately unsafe, you can call 911 or Campus Safety (503-768-7777).
If you would like to speak to a confidential resource off campus, Call to Safety operates a 24-hr hotline (1-888-235-5333), or contact RAINN (1-800-656-HOPE) for help with finding a local resource in your area.
Faculty, staff, parents, and concerned friends may contact the Student Counseling Center to consult with us during daytime business hours, 8:30 a.m. - noon and 1 -4:30 p.m. on days when undergraduate classes are in session. (Summer hours are more limited.)
After hours, concerns about a student’s safety on-campus should be directed to Campus Safety at 503-768-7777. Campus Safety will involve other appropriate staff to respond to the situation.
Mental health consultation is also available via our Crisis Counseling Service at 503-265-7804 or by calling the Multnomah County Crisis Line at 503-988-4888.
For off-campus emergencies, call the Multnomah County Crisis Line or call 911. Campus Safety cannot respond to off-campus incidents.
(See also Concerned About Someone?)
If you are on campus, contact Campus Safety at 503-768-7777; if necessary, call 911. If you are off-campus, call 911.
The Student Health Center is open from 8 a.m. - noon and 1 - 4:00 p.m. on weekdays when undergraduate classes are in session. It is closed in the summer.
A Nursing Consultation Service is available 24/7 to all enrolled students; call 1-877-617-9531. A registered nurse will ask questions and help you decide whether you need medical help.
If you need to go to a medical facility, see the list of hospitals and immediate care facilities in the area.
Student Counseling Center is located in room 012 of Odell Residence Hall on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 135
voice 503-768-7160
fax 503-768-8223
Student Counseling Center
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219