Training Materials

Driver’s Training and Clearance Program

The purpose of the Driver’s Training and Clearance Program is to promote driving safety and reduce the potential for vehicle mishaps through a program of mandatory training and selective screening of all drivers of Lewis & Clark College-owned or leased vehicles.

Click here to access the online application form for Driver Clearance. Please allow 3-5 business days for processing, after which applicants will receive login credentials for the online driver training program Alert Driving. Insurance restrictions require that all drivers must have a license from a recognized jurisdiction of the United States. Unless a driver’s record changes due to infractions or accidents, clearances are good for one year for students and temporary employees, and three years for faculty and permanent staff employees.

Applicants with satisfactory driving records will be enrolled in the Alert Driving online training program. This training generally takes between 45-90 minutes to complete, with a 90-day window to finish all modules. Upon completion of the online training, drivers will be cleared to operate College owned or leased vehicles.

If you have any questions, please contact Jason Holmgren in the Environmental Health and Safety office, 503-768-7818.

L&C Application for Driving Privileges