main content Request for Lists

Please allow us at least 5 business days to complete your request.

When requesting giving information, either as part of your criteria or output, please indicate whether soft-credit and/or matching gift credit should be included.

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

required text field
required e-mail address field
required text field
text field
If other than yourself
select menu field
text field
required select menu field
text field
required text field
text field
What’s the earliest date you’d like to receive your request?
text field
This name will be used to identify your request in our tracking system.
textarea field
How will this list/report be used?
required select menu field
required textarea field
Be very specific here and list all groups to include in list. For example: all undergraduate alumni with a major in Biology that live in Oregon.
required textarea field
Be very specific here and include everybody you want to exclude. For example: deceased, no valid address, constituents that live outside of Oregon, constituents that gave less than 0 last FY, etc.
checkbox field
Giving Information to be included:
If Giving Information is part of the criteria, please indicate what gifts you would like to be included.
required select menu field
required textarea field
Please type in everything you want to see in the spreadsheet. For example: Constituent ID, Primary Salutation, Preferred Address (includes street(s), city, state, zip, country), etc.
checkbox field
Giving Information for Output
If Giving Information is part of the output, please indicate what gifts you would like to be in the output.
textarea field