main contentCOVID-19 Information
Based on recommendations from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), Oregon Health Authority (OHA), and Multnomah County Health Department, Lewis & Clark has simplified and updated many of its COVID-19 policies and requirements.
As of June 1, 2023, Lewis & Clark no longer requires students or employees to receive COVID-19 vaccinations or boosters to attend school or work.
Mask-wearing is optional on the Lewis & Clark campus. High-quality masks for community members are available for free in the following locations:
- Health Promotion and Wellness office (Fowler Center 110)
- Student Health Center (Fowler Center 160)
- residence hall lobbies (Copeland main lobby, Platt main lobby, Holmes main lobby, Tamarack lobby, and Akin lobby)
If you are experiencing symptoms of an airborne illness (COVID-19, influenza, RSV, etc.) and are unable to stay home, we urge mask use to protect the community.
Starting at the end of September 2024, the federal government will resume its free at-home COVID test program. Sign up soon to receive your tests in the mail.
In addition, antigen tests are available for purchase in the campus bookstore, at local grocery stores, and online. The bookstore is generally open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Tests are no longer available for free on campus following the expiration of the Public Health Emergency and associated federal funding.
Testing at the Student Health Center
- Rapid molecular testing (similar to a PCR test) is available to students by appointment. This test is more accurate than antigen tests. The cost is $55 and will be charged to your student account. To make an appointment for a rapid molecular test, call the Health Center at 503-768-7165 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Off-Campus Testing
- Off-campus testing is widely available. For more information on local options, please refer to the Multnomah County COVID-19 Testing webpage.
Lewis & Clark no longer requires community members to report positive COVID-19 tests. If your respiratory or other acute symptoms persist and you desire medical evaluation, please contact the Health Center or your primary care provider for guidance. If you are experiencing severe symptoms on-campus, call Campus Safety (503-768-7777) and 911.
Students and Employees Who Test Positive
If you test positive for COVID:
Isolate in place until your symptoms are improving and you have been fever-free for 24 hours.
- You do not need to get a negative antigen test in order to end isolation.
- You do not need to isolate for 5 full days if your symptoms improve before then and you remain fever-free.
- Leave isolation only for essential purposes, defined as accessing needed health care, picking up meals, using a restroom, taking out your trash, and responding to emergency alarms
- Wear a high-quality mask for 10 days after symptom onset.
- Avoid contact with those at increased risk for severe disease.
Students who test positive and live on campus should consider the following:
For an on-campus medical emergency, contact Campus Safety 24/7 at 503-768-7777. They will call 911 and guide first responders to your location. If you live off-campus, dial 911.
For non-emergent health concerns related to COVID-19, the Health Center is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Students can make appointments by calling the Health Center at 503-768-7165. When the Health Center is closed, you can refer to this list for off campus medical care options, or call the nurse consultation line for basic medical advice at 1-877-617-9531.
Students who have been fever-free for at least 24 hours and whose symptoms are improving may enter dining facilities to get food. Alternatively, students who have not met these criteria can have a friend/roommate bring them food to go. In Fields Dining Hall, the proxy student will have to show the student’s ID card (either physical or photo) to pick up to-go food. At the Trail Room, all food can be ordered to go.
Students who are too sick to pick up a meal, and who are not able to make other arrangements for delivery of food, can contact Campus Safety dispatch, who will work to find a solution.
Students and Employees Who Are Exposed to COVID
If you have been exposed to someone with COVID, it is recommended that you:
- Wear a mask for 10 days.
Take a COVID test 5 days after exposure.
- Test sooner if you develop symptoms.
For more details, see the CDC guidance for close contacts.
If your roommate tests positive for COVID-19, you may go about your regular routines with some modifications. Monitor yourself for symptoms, wear a mask for 10 days after your initial exposure, and test in five days or if you become symptomatic. If you choose to stay with a roommate who has tested positive while they complete their isolation, refer to CDC guidance on how to care for yourself. Additional housing options may be available while your roommate isolates. Please consider the following:
- If you have off-campus friends or family nearby, you might consider staying with them.
- If you have friends on-campus who are willing for you to temporarily move in with them, you could move to their room. If you decide to utilize this option, cots are available. To reserve a cot, contact
- If you prefer to obtain a hotel off-campus, you may do that. All costs associated with this choice are your responsibility.
Temporary safe rooms are available on a limited basis for students with certain high-risk medical conditions. If you have one of the following conditions or situations, please contact Campus Safety who will work with Campus Living to review your situation and determine potential relocation. High-risk criteria include: chronic lung disease, cystic fibrosis, severe asthma, chronic kidney disease, liver disease, heart failure, diabetes, pregnancy, cancer, a previous organ transplant, active use of immunosuppressive medications, HIV, and primary immunodeficiency disease.