L&C Magazine

Spring 2017

Featured Stories

President's Letter

President's Letter, Spring-2017
David Ellis, Interim President

President’s Letter

You may have heard: I recently switched offices in the Manor House. With that I’ve gotten a whole new view that has expanded the ways I see Lewis & Clark. I’ve loved this college for a long time—working here for almost 20 years—and now I’m getting to know it in a deeper way.

On Palatine Hill

Leadership and Support

leadership, Spring-2017

Launching Another Successful Day of Giving

Perhaps Interim President Ellis said it best, “On March 15, our community expressed its love for Lewis & Clark thousands of times over.”
leadership, Spring-2017
Interim President David Ellis;  Don Anderegg and his wife, Sue; and Don's parents, Billie and  Fred Anderegg.

Anderegg Family Gift Benefits Rural Oregonians

Don Anderegg has worked as a carpenter at Lewis & Clark for 20 years, building many friendships and a special appreciation for “this amazing place” and its students.
leadership, Spring-2017

Philanthropy Leadership and Scholarship Dinner

On April 6, Lewis & Clark hosted the first-ever Philanthropy Leadership and Scholarship Dinner at the Atrium at Montgomery Park in Portland.


In Memoriam

In Memoriam, Spring-2017
Tom Darrow

Friends of Lewis & Clark Remembered

Friends of Lewis & Clark Remembered
A view from the reflecting pool at Lewis & Clark.
A view from the reflecting pool at Lewis & Clark. Robert M Reynolds