L&C Magazine

Fall 2016

Featured Stories

President's Letter

Fall-2016, President's Letter

Adventurous Learning

Every adventure in learning begins with the hope and goal of a successful outcome. At Lewis & Clark, we build that success with a community of people who are not only willing but well equipped to dare to try something new.

On Palatine Hill

Leadership and Support

Fall-2016, leadership

Scholarship Recognition Luncheon

On March 31, more than 160 students, scholarship donors, and friends attended the annual Scholarship Recognition Luncheon.
Fall-2016, leadership
Jerusha Detweiler-Bedell

Mellon Grant to Support Teaching

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has underscored the primacy of teaching at Lewis & Clark with a $705,000 grant to strengthen and expand that expertise in the College of Arts and Sciences over the next four years.

Fall-2016, leadership

Philanthropy Leadership Dinner

The eighth annual Philanthropy Leadership Dinner was held on May 5 in the Kridel Grand Ballroom at the Portland Art Museum.
Fall-2016, leadership

Newly Endowed Fund Opening Doors to Internships

In today’s highly competitive job market, employers value internships more than ever.

Alumni News