Erin M. Waterman


Erin Waterman BA ’88 writes: “I am proud to have watched my daughter graduate from Reed College in May of this year and obtain a job in a childhood cancer research lab studying the same cancer she survived. After making it through my own cancer journey in 2021, I have been accepted into a graduate program in public health and/or health care social work in 2024. I want to contribute in some way to patient care. I intend to level up my life and begin a new career by age 60 using my 21+ years as a medical transcriptionist for hospitals and 8+ years transcribing for global media production. When I can manage any time away from paying bills long enough to hear my own voice, I intend to write a fictional novel about a transcriptionist who solves a major problem facing humanity by connecting dots no one else does through intensive listening. It’s never too late to keep learning and growing.”


Erin Waterman BA ’88 is a freelance transcriber for TV and media productions. Her love of lifelong learning has compelled her to explore ways to use her transcriptions skills to assist students with sensory processing disabilities participate in university classrooms. Waterman’s College Outdoors experiences planted the “seed” to write Naturography: Exercises to Waken Our Senses and Reconnect Us to Nature (CreateSpace, 2014).