Jonathan Carwill Horn
Jon Horn BA ’79 is a historian and archeologist living in Montrose, Colorado, with his wife, Sonja. In early 2018, he received the State Historic Reservation Officer’s Award from the Colorado Historical Society for his National Register nomination of the Department of Energy’s Grand Junction Office (one of only a few Manhattan Project facilities). He was also made a fellow of the Colorado Council of Professional Archaeologists along with his two partners in Alpine Archaeological Consultants, a business they started 30 years ago. Horn will receive another State Historic Preservation Officer’s Award this year for his nomination of the Ute-Ulay Mine and Mill, an intact mine from the 1870s. An interesting tidbit: Horn was responsible for writing the National Register nominations for the Lewis & Clark campus and Multnomah Falls Lodge. Jon and Sonja have enjoyed visiting archaeological sites on Crete, a place he first visited while on the college’s Turkey program 40 years ago. Their daughter, Aysha Horn BA ’20, is a current L&C student.