Brian Detweiler-Bedell

Professor of Psychology

BoDine 210, MSC: 16

Recent Stories Mentioning Brian Detweiler-Bedell

back talk, Fall-2024

Course Retakes

On social media, we asked: “What class did you take at L&C that you’d enroll in again today?”

belonging, chronicle of higher education, college president, conference, featured speaker, first-year experience, new student orientation, president, Robin Holmes-Sullivan, top story
The president and a group of students smiling and reaching their hands out to the camera. A black and orange balloon arch is behind them.

A Focus on Student Resilience at ChronFest

President Robin Holmes-Sullivan was a featured speaker at The Chronicle of Higher Education’s virtual conference.

collaborative research, faculty research, liberal arts, OHSU, psychology, top story
Three social media ads with images of melanoma and moles on skin.

Doing a Skin Check? Confidence Is Key

OHSU and Lewis & Clark lead the first population-based survey of melanoma literacy in the United States. A follow-up study using social media ads reveals that combining melanoma education and self-efficacy is the best health communication strategy.

Academic Credentials

PhD: Yale University, 2002
BA and MA: Stanford University, 1994 and 1995


PSY 200: Statistics I
PSY 311: Statistics II
ELI 103: Leadership

Location: BoDine Hall