I was born in Mutare, Zimbabwe and at the age of 5 years old, my parents, my two brothers and I moved to Namibia where I first experienced cultures so different from my own. At the tender age of 5, I completely immersed myself in the culture. I learned both from those around me and from my parents and at that point I was defined by more than one culture. Three years later, we moved to Ireland where I found myself once again in a different environment. There I found myself obsessed with playing the Gaelic sport and a part of the Irish dance club and I found more things that I loved, and my culture was redefined. This very process continued as I moved to Tanzania, Malawi, South Africa and Mozambique. But the greatest eye opener in visiting all these places is how I could identify with all of them in one way or another. Diversity became one of the many pillars of my existence and I began to want to learn more, more about cultures and people. That was when I came across the United World College of Southern Africa in Swaziland, where everyone was different and somehow we all found a common ground. There was a new culture, my culture, of acceptance of different cultures, comfort in difference and just a sense of unity. I had found my home.
And when it came time to leave my home, I struggled with the thought that I might never find another place like it. I was mistaken because then I found Lewis & Clark College. I was drawn to the international community here and the idea of meeting more Third Culture Kids like myself. I was also drawn to the many opportunities of intercultural learning such as the study abroad programs. A huge part of my life at the United World College of Southern Africa and throughout most of my life has been the activities that I participated in outside the classroom. I have developed interests in several sports, dance, art and community service. I was happy to find a place that offered me a chance to continue all these activities and to discover new ones. I hope to learn to play a new sport at Lewis & Clark College, join a varsity team, start a dance club and more.
As for my interests in the classroom, I am considering majoring in Economics simply because I grew to love the subject through the International Baccalaureate Programme. I am also interested in International Relations. Whatever I decide to do, I am confident that being at Lewis & Clark College means that I will not have to sacrifice anything and could possibly pursue both areas or a combination and that is just one more reason why I chose Lewis & Clark College.
At the end of my time here at Lewis & Clark College I hope to walk away with a degree or two, lifelong friendships, a greater understanding of the world and the skills that I need to continue my journey.
International Students and Scholars (ISS) is located in Fowler Student Center on the Undergraduate Campus.
MSC: 192
email iso@lclark.edu
voice 503-768-7305
fax 503-768-7301
Associate Dean of Students and Director Brian White
International Students and Scholars (ISS)
Lewis & Clark
615 S. Palatine Hill Road
Portland OR 97219