main content Jim Grant

Associate Professor of Economics

J.R. Howard Hall 322, MSC: 40

Jim Grant has been at Lewis & Clark College since 1987 as a faculty member in the Department of Economics. A native Michigander, Jim received his bachelor’s degree, with majors in mathematics and economics, at Grand Valley State University and his PhD in economics at Michigan State University. Jim taught economics at Wellesley College before coming to Lewis & Clark. His teaching interests include econometrics, labor economics, public economics, mathematical economics, and various aspects of applied microeconomics. Jim has led four Lewis & Clark overseas and off-campus programs: two in Washington, D.C., and two in Siena, Italy. Jim’s research interests reside in areas of applied labor economics. He and his colleagues recently completed research supported by the Teagle Foundation. Their work focused on investigating sources of peer effects in academic achievement of liberal arts college students and on estimating the sizes of those effects. Currently, Jim’s research involves estimating peer effects on academic achievement where the peer groups are those naturally formed by intercollegiate athletes. Jim has served the College in many capacities administratively, ranging from chairing the economics department, chairing significant College committees, serving as Associate Dean of the College, and serving on a number of task forces whose foci have been related to the quality of liberal arts education.

Jim is loyal to his family and his community. His current passions include seeing his own two children through college and beyond, staying fit by biking to the office whenever possible, and enjoying the good company of his family and friends around the dinner table, in the living room, or out exploring the Pacific Northwest.

Academic Credentials

PhD 1979, MA 1977 Michigan State, BS 1974 Grand Valley State University

Location: J.R. Howard Hall